Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Why Everybody Is Talking About College Application Essay Samples Common...The Simple Truth Revealed
Why Everybody Is Talking About College Application Essay Samples Common...The Simple Truth Revealed The Importance of College Application Essay Samples Common Thus, the essay is supposed to coincide with the applicant's qualities and interests in order for it to boost the probability of admission. The first couple of drafts will be quite rough, and you ought to write until your essay is flawless. Frankly, junior year may be too late to intervene if there's a situation. Note you do not need to have solved the issue, and a few of the greatest essays will explore problems which need to be solved later on. The Fundamentals of College Application Essay Samples Common Revealed It's very valuable to take writing apart as a way to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. There are lots of sources of essay samples online, however, not all them actually offer you worthwhile tips. At length, the detail of real speech makes the scene pop. For a beginning, the typical app lication essay topics need you to use language that's totally free from language flaws and grammatical mistakes. Understanding what the essay is and the way it fits into the college application procedure can help students understand the things that they have to do as a way to compose an essay that's an asset to their application. If you would like to create a college essay which works, you want to provide importance on the content which you will offer the admissions officer of your intended university with. It's difficult to get started writing the college essay application. It's possible to easily research a college's history on the internet or at your neighborhood library. Since our writers are experts in numerous varieties of papers, we understand how to target your college irrespective of the discipline you chose. Just because you've already written a college essay for a single university doesn't mean that it may also apply on your next applications. Developing a good college essay may lose its purpose in the event the content of what you've written is not what the university is asking for. Writing an excellent college admission essay requires a lot of creativity. If it comes to college admissions, you would like to win big. Obtaining a college degree necessitates persistence and the capability to stay. Colleges are more inclined to admit students who can articulate certain explanations for why the school is an excellent fit about them beyond its reputation or ranking on any list. After all, the college would like to understand what you're about. Admissions Officers at most universities read thousands of application essays every year, a number of them responding to the exact same prompt. Colleges are not only looking at grades, but they're also thinking about the curriculum the student takes. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Upcoming college students might also be requested to compose a college essay for a portion of their first requirements. If you don't have a choice and need to answer a particular set of standard essay questions, you are still able to use that as a chance to put your very best foot forward. In case the college application requires you to select a topic, consider the things closest and dearest to your heart. So receive a coach who can assist you get through the process. For inspiration, have a look at your schedule, activities and the way you spend the majority of your time both inside and beyond the classroom. Your own personal essay will enable the selections board to find out whether you're well-suited to the course or field of study or you have sufficient experience and interest to make you a nice candidate for the slot. Apart from the things which you should always bear in mind, in addition, there are some things which you shouldn't do when creating the content of your college essay. Moreover, writing is a critical part of college life. If you encounter the inappropriate website, you may in reality be jeopardizing your private essay without you knowing it. Choosing Good College Application Essay Samples Common The college officials won't be in a position to learn your capabilities, thoughts, and potential. You must be prepared to compose several drafts of a university application essay so as to attain a result that shows you off in the ideal light. You don't wish to make it seem as if you're attempting to create the application officer feel sorry for you. For instance, a stude nt might wish to write about a specific hardship in life which he or she has overcome. It's very much the very same with writing an essay. So that your essay should be quite impressive. If you are in need of a well-crafted essay, then you can count on us to deliver. Before you commence writing your college essay, you may choose to see the essay examplesA that we've listed for you, so that you can have more idea on what things to put in the college essay you will create. Picking the story is just the very first step. Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Stephen's essay is quite effective. Share an essay on any subject of your pick.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Most Influential African American Composers Of The...
Edward Kennedy â€Å"Duke†Ellington Duke Ellington is considered to be one of the most influential African-American composers of the twentieth century. He was a composer, bandleader, songwriter, and a musician. Duke Ellington was born in Washington D.C on April 29, 1899 and died on May 24, 1974 in New York, New York. Often times, Duke’s music was called â€Å"American Music†because it was for America, later his music was placed under the category of Jazz. After his death, Duke’s musical reputation was widely spread across America gaining more popularity. Many jazz artist do not write their own music but Duke composed most of hs albums and compositions. Duke composed his songs so that every player in his orchestra would sound their best and each instrument was emphasized. He mainly focused on rhythm and how each instrument would sound together and how it would make the audience feel. Duke had many famous songs but a few are: â€Å"If it Ain’t Got That Swing,†â€Å"Sophisticated Lady,†â€Å"Take The ‘A Train.†Over his 50 year musical career he won many honors and awards for his songs. At the young age of seven, Duke’s musical career was beginning to show its head, his parents placed him into piano lessons. He did not too much care for music at the time and would have rather played sports. He later found out that he did not desire to play the piano, often missing most of his lessons, but later on he would come to realize he loved the instrument. He did not know how to read music or write itShow MoreRelatedThe New Musical Language of The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky895 Words  | 4 Pages2. Listen again to The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky. Describe elements of this piece that helped shape a new musical language for the twentieth- century. Elements of this piece that helped shape a new musical language for thee twentieth – century would consist of Stravinsky experimenting with rhythm and new combinations of instruments. The way he uses dissonance in his pieces as well polyphonic and polytonal textures. His ballets were strongly nationalistic but contained rites of RussiaRead MoreJohn Coltrane1566 Words  | 7 PagesIntro to Music Masterworks Final Paper Jazz music was originally developed by African Americans during the start of the twentieth century. Throughout the semester we have studied the timeline of musical periods including the Romantic and Classical eras of music. Becoming internationally popular in the 1920s, jazz music has been typically described as Americas Classical Music. The musical periods we have discussed in this course have influenced and show a strong relation to jazz musicRead MoreThe Civil War And The End Of Reconstruction1197 Words  | 5 PagesAfter the Civil War, following the Compromise of 1877 and the end of Reconstruction, the protection for the rights of African American ended if there was any. Southern States had moved to impose a system of segregation on nearly all areas of life. New laws that required segregation that stirred â€Å"separate but equal†doctrine that disenfranchise African Americans for almost six decades. It is hard in this days and age to be able to imagine segregation as a law, but the remnants just change form andRead MoreAmerica s Original Music Form : The Influence Of Jazz2552 Words  | 11 PagesAmechi Nwandu Mr. Fernando Gomez American Literature 1 April 2015 America’s Original Music Form: The Influence of Jazz The creation of jazz at face value is normally credited to the minorities in the United States, mainly the African Americans, but was modified and adapted to be culturally and socially acceptable to the middle and upper classes of white Americans. While the jazz movement was eventually dominated by the middle class white population in the US, the conception of this music form wasRead More Ragtime Essay examples850 Words  | 4 Pages Ragtime was a very influential part of the development of jazz. Ragtime became very popular in the late 1800’s. Ragtime’s distinct style set it apart from the other genres. Syncopation is what defines this art form. This is when the loud accents fall in between the beats. Anything that is syncopated is basically ragtime. One of the most important ragtime composers was Scott Joplin. Like all great artists, Joplin did not restrict himself to this favored art form. Both before the advent of ragtimeRead MoreMusic During The 1920 S1609 Word s  | 7 Pagesthat were played in the 1920s such as Jazz, which became the most famous type of music during this particular time. In addition, what I’m interested in learning about music in the 1920s is who were some of the most famous singers and songs, how did people dance to the music, and where would people gather to have a good time. I also would like to learn about the person who created and inspired the Jazz music. During the 1920s, African American jazz culture had an amazing influence upon popular cultureRead MoreMusic And The Second World War1666 Words  | 7 Pagesthere is any one particular person to associate with jazz, it would be Scott Joplin, who was noted as the leading rag composer. One of his first pieces, Maple Leaf Rag, was the first and most influential hit of ragtime music. Joplin’s career ended with his death in 1917. As our textbook states, â€Å"Jazz is a major African American performance style that has influenced all 20th century popular music.†Names such as Louis Armstrong, Sippie Wallace, and Duke Ellington can be credited to the huge successRead MoreThe Origins and Development of Electronic Dance Music and Contemporary Nightlife Musical Culture4166 Words  | 17 Pagesthese. The Moog Synthesizer was the most significant and influential synthesizer in the development of Electronic Music. What made this so significant as a synthesizer was the fact that it allowed artists to relate to it like an instrument, an advantage over many of its predecessors, those of which seemed more like machines. This gave new up and coming artists a spark to their creativity, new timbral qualities that could be included in their works. American inventor, Robert Moog developed the MoogRead MoreJazz Influence On America.3049 Words  | 13 PagesResearch Paper: Jazz influence on America Jazz is a genre of music that was first developed by African American within their communities around the late 19th to early 20th century in the United States. Since then, Jazz has gained a lot of respect and grown into a classic. The genre is now well known in music history and has experienced a mass musical development throughout the decades. Jazz was established and evolved alongside such musical categories as blues and popular music, but what changedRead MoreWhite And Black People s Influence On American Culture And Society2445 Words  | 10 PagesThroughout the 1920s and 1930s, a number of demographic, political, and economic changes greatly impacted American culture and society. (Patterson Carney, 2003.) White and black people in America were still segregated and African Americans were treated as inferior (â€Å"BBC - Higher Bitesize History - Race relations between the wars,†n.d.), though they began to fight against discrimination in this period. (â€Å"Jazz Exac erbates Racial Tension,†n.d.) Music both reflected and played a role in the changing
Monday, December 9, 2019
â€ÂOthello†by William Shakespeare Essay Sample free essay sample
Parker’s filmic reading of Othello attributes power to the visual aspect and individuality. While a big proportion of Shakespeare’s poetics have been left out. Parker maintains the huge bulk of the play’s timeless subjects puting peculiar accent on the importance of visual aspects and individuality. Parker’s movie contracts Othello’s diminution of the inevitable effects of the protagonist’s oxymoronic individuality within a society who Judgess based on aesthetics. These are portrayed as menaces to Othello’s power and lead to a decomposition of his unsloped power. The extract viewed illustrates Iago lading his arm and Othello. with a covetous rage. Parker’s attention of building contributes to word picture of Othello’s black clad garment underscoring his ethnicity and Iago’s brown. field costume allows him to portray his ‘plain speaking’ image and facilitates his programs. Iago’s dry statement ‘men should be what they seem’ emphasises the two faced nature of Iago where he says earlier. ‘I am non what I am’ . Parker’s scene of an armory represents the purpose of Iago constructing a arm of devastation. Close up shootings of Othello seting the gun together highlights the impression of him being prepared for devastation. When Iago refuses to allow Othello cognize about what plagues his head. Othello points a gun at Iago’s thorax. This directorial add-on by Parker shows how Iago has primed Othello into a unsafe arm. A close up shooting of Iago whispering into Othello’s ear illustrates pouring plague into his ear. Iago uses Othello’s place of an foreigner as he says ‘I do cognize our state. temperament well’ . to raise insecurities in Othello’s head. A cutaway shooting to Cassio encompassing his married woman exemplifies how the cardinal menaces to Othello prevarication in a society of visual aspects and his individuality. Shakespeare’s wooing scene forshadows Othello’s diminution by showcasing the insecurities which problem him. Opening with ‘Most potent. grave and reverend signiors’ Othello’s power derives from a acknowledgment of who he needs to maintain Sweet. This sycophancy reflects his intelligence about how to pull off the powerful work forces of Venice. His dealingss with these archetypal Venetian work forces highlights his diplomatic relationship with Venice he must keep to retain his delicate agreement of powers. ‘Rude am I in my speech’ augments the word picture of Othello. The sarcasm in the statement works on the audience’s acknowledgment that his linguistic communication is the really beginning of his power. Delivering an â€Å"unvarnished tale†his rich anecdotes of â€Å"battles. besiegings and fortunes†. of â€Å"hair breadth escapes†applies to the content of nearing Turks whilst bespeaking his rawness with a dult females. Othello’s strangeness with adult females serves as an gap for Iago to prise his relationship apart. Brabantio acts as a profuseness of Venetian ethical motives. an illustration of the creative activities the audience is most intimate with in the drama. His fright of miscegenetic emanates from his linguistic communication. naming the relationship ‘against all regulations of nature’ and the impossibleness of Desdemona ‘falling in love with what she feared to look on’ . Othello is necessary to Venice’s province personal businesss but is alienated by the society he must protect. â€Å"She loved me for the dangers I had passed†maps as the conjunction to their relationship. However. the apparent deficiency of common district between the two undermines their emotional connexion and raises inquiries about the feasibleness of their relationship. Shakspere centralises this early scene around the rabble of Othello’s death inherent in his of fering by Brabantio. delicate power cardinal with Venice and vulnerable penetration to adult females. as tools used by Iago to cheat away at his emotional damages and infect him with the ‘green eyed monsters’ . Parker’s wooing scene shows how individuality today is created likewise to how Othello perceives himself. The same insecurities are enunciated in Parker and Shakespeare’s versions but through different agencies due to the medium. Following Brabantio’s accusals. cutaway shootings to Venetian work forces dish the dirting reveal the tainting of Othello’s public image and the judgemental response of Venice. These shootings underscore the Venetian outlook that signifier premises founded on how things appear before Othello can supply his ain history. It is this societal substructure that breeds the scoundrel. Iago. and allows him to work so efficaciously. Othello is spatially distanced from other characters and positioned in forepart of a war strategist’s tabular array symbolizing his military background and cultural isolation. His costuming is the most dramatic ; his ness an allusion to modern twenty-four hours superheroes imbues him with heroic features. Othello’s address is overlayed with flashback scenes of his relationship with Desdemona exemplifying the ‘world of suspirations she gave me for my pains’ . A low angle shooting of Othello standing over the sitting Brabantio implies his victory over him. Parker constructs their relationship as a competition for Desdemona’s love and makes her a symbolised war trophy to Othello. Othello’s individuality is built on the footing of his ethnicity. dealingss with functionaries. and business. Iago uses these to his advantage and strips Othello of his power by sabotaging these facets of his individuality. Shakespeare’s concluding scene high spots the effects of Othello’s conflicted individuality. The spiritual imagination he employs in the line ‘hurl myself from heaven’ ejects himself from the same sphere as Desdemona. Othello’s displacement from ‘honest Iago’ to ‘devil’ indicates the inversion of their relationship. Lodovico represents the compelling force of Venetian jurisprudence and acts as a justice to turn to the state of affairs. Use of the past tense by Lodovico in the line ‘O 1000 Othello. 1000 wert one time so good’ signifies Othello’s broken ties with Venice. Othello’s concluding address provides penetration to an Othello who is free of influence. The simile. ‘like the base Indian threw a pearl off richer than his tribe’ reduces Othello to an nescient barbarian and relates to where he says ‘But I do love thee. and when I love thee non. pandemonium is come again’ . The pearl imagination reiterates with the motive of a award and reverses the great love Desdemona one time was to Othello. His equivocal images which precede his decease exemplifies the individuality battle he was burdened by ; ‘a malignant and turbaned Turk beat a Venetian and traduced the state’ – Othello is both the Venetian and the Turk ; the oxymoron expresses how his split individuality is intolerable. In an look of defeat. he ‘took by the pharynx the circumcised Canis familiaris and smote him’ shows how he can non cover with his double individuality. The ambiguity in his image propagates his divided ego ; he is both the killer and the slain. Death is perceived as a agency of flight for Othello. to him ‘tis felicity to die’ . Parker’s rendering of Othello shows how power is derived from the same impressions today as they were in Shakespeare’s context. At it’s nucleus. Parker conveys Othello’s power to be founded on his individuality and facets which constitute that. The subjects of visual aspect and individuality permeate throughout his movie and perpetuates them as cardinal concerns to power as Shakespeare’s did. Parker’s movie can non be viewed as a comparative text as such it is a movie dependant on Shakespeare’s drama and must be considered against a background of the original. Parker’s movie exemplifies the digesting qualities of power which can be seen in Othello ; his text is relevant today as it was 400 old ages ago.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Write Amirs diary for the day he witnesses Hassans rape, explaining his feelings and why he did not intervene Essay Example
Write Amirs diary for the day he witnesses Hassans rape, explaining his feelings and why he did not intervene Essay There are two things I cant stop thinking about: the resignation in Hassans face, and his brown corduroy pants which were lay against the pile of eroded bricks. I almost said something. Almost. But I will never be the mard my father expects me to be. Never be a real man. But does it matter now? Was it all worth it? After all, Baba is proud of me now, and he doesnt have to know what I did. And now, it will be happily ever after, of course. Why should I let Hassan ruin that for me? After all, isnt he just a Hazara? My Hazara? He is just the lamb I had to slay to win Baba. And I did it; I won Baba. When I returned home with the kite, my blue kite, and Baba had welcomed me, like a hero, finally acknowledging my worthiness, I had forgotten about it, just for a minute. And that felt good. But now, I am unworthy. I will never grow up to be like Baba, never have a reputation like his. Never have his nang. Namoos. His honour and his pride. Because I am a coward, and that is all I aspire to be. Baba even said, Im not like the other boys, and Im not like him. And hes right. I did nothing. I just stood and watched my lamb, my Hassan, prepare to be slaughtered. And then I ran. I didnt want to get hurt. I didnt want to face Assef. I didnt want to save him. And I wish things had turned out another way, I really do, but they never could have because I am a coward. We will write a custom essay sample on Write Amirs diary for the day he witnesses Hassans rape, explaining his feelings and why he did not intervene specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Write Amirs diary for the day he witnesses Hassans rape, explaining his feelings and why he did not intervene specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Write Amirs diary for the day he witnesses Hassans rape, explaining his feelings and why he did not intervene specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Baba would never even look at me again if he knew what I did. Ive finally made him proud, finally won his heart. But that would all change if he knew. And now Im unsure as to which one Id rather have; Babas love, or Hassans pure devotion. Hassan is the one who has always loved me. His first word was Amir. We had a brotherhood, a kinship that nothing could break, because we had fed from the same breast. We were the sultans of Kabul. Now I cant even look him in the eye. Im too afraid of what I will see. Does he know I know? Will he blame me for what happened? Or worse, will he still call me his best friend, still look at me with guileless devotion? If I were more like Hassan or Baba, or any other boy my age, I could have fought for him, just like he always does for me. But now Im going to fight. Fight against him. How can I live with him always being here? I dont want Baba giving any of his new-found affections for me to Hassan either. I can be the one who makes his stone jump the most time now, Im the one who can look after myself, and Im the one who father is proud of. Now there will be no reason as to why Baba should ever pat Hassan on the back again, and never see me fail next to him. Baba will always love me more, from now on. Without Hassan here any more, maybe I can forget what I have done, and I can accept Babas love without guilt.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Artworks by Jeff Koons
Artworks by Jeff Koons New Hoover Convertibles Jeff Koon was one of the most controversial artists of the post war time, his works were designed to provoke, shock, astonish, but at the same time, to inform, point out and communicate.1Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Artworks by Jeff Koons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More His work called â€Å"New Hoover Convertibles†was created in 1981. The visually distinctive factors of this work are the three vacuum cleaners that were advanced for their time. The artist put them into a transparent container make of acryl and added fluorescent lights in the bottom so that the exhibits were properly lit. By inserting the vacuum cleaners into the transparent box and adding fluorescent dramatic lighting the artist made the appliances look like very valuable trophies. This was done in order to communicate the public passion for consumption and the change of values in the society. Koons pointed out th at in the beginning of eighties household appliances were something people had to work hard to buy, they represented everyone’s big goal, they were the evidence of an important achievement. The historic factors that influence Koon and inspired him to create this work of art was the rapid development of technologies and the social passion for consumption and the love for pristine newness.2 Besides, the way the three vacuum cleaners are arranged – in a straight line, makes it clear that the work of art symbolizes not only consumerism but capitalism dwelling in the supermarkets and putting the goods in geometrically correct rows, lines and forms. His work represents the mass culture of the beginning of the eighties and the use of readymade goods presents the nature of consumption in a controversial way by comparing usual objects to valuables and paying capacity to an achievement.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get you r first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Triple Elvis Triple Elvis is a work of art that contains three levels. They are arranged hierarchically. The closes object seen by the viewers of the work is a blow up pool toy shaped as a red lobster. The second dimension of the work includes three photographs of a half naked Playboy model in seductive poses. The last layer is the print made of Westermann’s art works arranged one over another in an abstract manner. This layer is located the farthest from the audience. Each of the dimensions overlaps with the ones near to it. Lobster pool toy is put on top of the whole work. By creating such hierarchy in his art work, Koons demonstrated the reversed values where art is at the very bottom of the pyramid, and pornographic images are more important than it.3 They also are bigger in size. Finally, the very top is occupied by a very simple entertainment item that is not artistic at all. Adding it to his pyramid of art Koons sho ws the new attitude towards aesthetics and beauty. Making the lobster a part of the art work and actually placing it on top of everything else Koons demonstrated the ranks of values. This way Koons’ pyramid of art turns to the pyramid of consumption. The most popular kind of goods and entertainments are represented by the pool toy. The next is a series of images of sexual character – the second most popular consumption product. Finally, art is at the very bottom and is mixed up. In this work Koons makes art a part of consumption culture of the eighties. This is why all art works of Koons were based on the elements of Triple Elvis. Bibliography Farago, Jason. â€Å"Jeff Koons: A Retrospective review – great, good, bad and terrible art†. The guardian. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Artworks by Jeff Koons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Fineberg, Jonathan. Art Since 1940. Upper Sad dle River: Peason, 2010. Jeff Koons: A Retrospective†. Web. Footnotes 1 â€Å"Jeff Koons: A Retrospective†, 2 Jason Farago, â€Å"Jeff Koons: A Retrospective review – great, good, bad and terrible art†, The guardian. 3 Jonathan Fineberg, Art Since 1940 (Upper Saddle River: Peason, 2010), 460.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Biography of Henry Clinton, British General
Biography of Henry Clinton, British General Henry Clinton (April 16, 1730–Dec. 23, 1795) was the Commander of the British North American forces during the American War for Independence. Fast Facts: Henry Clinton Known For: Commander of the British North American forces during the American War for IndependenceBorn: About 1730 in Newfoundland, Canada or Stourton Parva, England.Parents: Admiral George Clinton (1686–1761) and Ann Carle (1696–1767).Died: December 23, 1795 in GibraltarEducation: In New York colony and possibly studied under Samuel SeaburyPublished Works: The American Rebellion: Sir Henry Clintons Narrative of His Campaigns, 1775–1782Spouse: Harriet Carter (m. 1767–1772)Children: Frederick (1767–1774), Augusta Clinton Dawkins (1768–1852), William Henry (1769–1846), Henry (1771–1829), and Harriet (1772) Early Life Henry Clinton was likely born in 1730 to Admiral George Clinton (1686–1761), at the time the Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, and his wife Ann Carle (1696–1767). References are that available post his birth date as 1730 or 1738; English peerage records state the date as April 16, 1730, but list his birth location as Newfoundland and George Clinton did not arrive until 1731. Henry Clinton had at least two sisters who survived to adulthood, Lucy Mary Clinton Roddam, 1729–1750, and Mary Clinton Willes (1742–1813), and Lucy Mary was born in Stourton Parva, Lincolnshire, England. Little more than that is known about his childhood: what there is comes primarily from 19th-century brief biographical records and the letters and documents left by Clinton himself. When George Clinton was appointed governor of New York in 1743, the family moved there and it is assumed that Henry was educated in the colony and may have studied under Samuel Seabury (1729–1796), the first American Episcopal bishop. Early Military Career Beginning his military career with the local militia in 1745, Clinton obtained a captains commission the following year and served in the garrison at the recently captured fortress of Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island. Three years later, he traveled back to England with hopes to secure another commission in the British Army. Purchasing a commission as a captain in the Coldstream Guards in 1751, Clinton proved to be a gifted officer. Swiftly moving through the ranks by buying higher commissions, Clinton also benefited from family connections to the Dukes of Newcastle. In 1756, this ambition, along with assistance from his father, saw him gain an appointment to serve as aide-de-camp to Sir John Ligonier. Seven Years War By 1758, Clinton had reached the rank of lieutenant colonel in the 1st Foot Guards (Grenadier Guards). Ordered to Germany during the Seven Years War, he saw action at the Battles of Villinghausen (1761) and Wilhelmsthal (1762). Distinguishing himself, Clinton was promoted to colonel effective June 24, 1762, and appointed an aide-de-camp to the armys commander, Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick. While serving in Ferdinands camp, he developed a number of acquaintances including future adversaries Charles Lee and William Alexander (Lord Stirling). Later that summer both Ferdinand and Clinton were wounded during the defeat at Nauheim. Recovering, he returned to Britain following the capture of Cassel that November. With the end of the war in 1763, Clinton found himself head of his family as his father had died two years earlier. Remaining in the army, he endeavored to resolve his fathers affairs- which included collecting an unpaid salary, selling land in the colonies, and clearing a large number of debts. In 1766, Clinton received command of the 12th Regiment of Foot. In 1767 he married Harriet Carter, the daughter of a wealthy landowner. Settling in Surrey, the couple would have five children (Frederick (1767–1774), Augusta Clinton Dawkins (1768–1852), William Henry (1769–1846), Henry (1771–1829), and Harriet (1772). On May 25, 1772, Clinton was promoted to major general, and two months later he used family influence to gain a seat in Parliament. These advancements were tempered in August when Harriet died a week after giving birth to their fifth child. After she died, Henrys in-laws moved into his house to raise the children. He apparently acquired a mistress at a later point in his life and had a family with her, but their existence is merely mentioned in Clintons surviving correspondence. The American Revolution Begins Crushed by the loss of wife, Clinton failed to take his seat in Parliament and instead traveled to the Balkans to study the Russian army in 1774. While there, he also viewed several of the battlefields from the Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774). Returning from the trip, he took his seat in September 1774. With the American Revolution looming in 1775, Clinton was dispatched to Boston aboard HMS Cerberus with Major Generals William Howe and John Burgoyne to provide assistance to Lieutenant General Thomas Gage. Arriving in May, he learned that fighting had begun and that Boston had fallen under siege. Assessing the situation, Clinton brusquely suggested manning Dorchester Heights but was refused by Gage. Though this request was denied, Gage did make plans for occupying other high ground outside of the city, including Bunker Hill. Failure in the South On June 17, 1775, Clinton took part in the bloody British victory at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Initially tasked with providing reserves to Howe, he later crossed to Charlestown and worked to rally the dispirited British troops. In October, Howe replaced Gage as commander of British troops in America and Clinton was appointed as his second-in-command with the temporary rank of lieutenant general. The following spring, Howe dispatched Clinton south to assess military opportunities in the Carolinas. While he was away, American troops emplaced guns on Dorchester Heights in Boston, which compelled Howe to evacuate the city. After some delays, Clinton met a fleet under Commodore Sir Peter Parker, and the two resolved to attack Charleston, South Carolina. Landing Clintons troops on Long Island, near Charleston, Parker hoped the infantry could aid in defeating the coastal defenses while he attacked from the sea. Moving forward on June 28, 1776, Clintons men were unable to render assistance as they were halted by swamps and deep channels. Parkers naval attack was repulsed with heavy casualties and both he and Clinton withdrew. Sailing north, they joined Howes main army for the assault on New York. Crossing to Long Island from the camp on Staten Island, Clinton surveyed the American positions in the area and devised the British plans for the upcoming battle. Success in New York Utilizing Clintons ideas, which called for a strike through the Guan Heights via Jamaica Pass, Howe flanked the Americans and led the army to victory at the Battle of Long Island in August 1776. For his contributions, he was formally promoted to lieutenant general and made a Knight of the Order of Bath. As tensions between Howe and Clinton increased due to the latters constant criticism, the former dispatched his subordinate with 6,000 men to capture Newport, Rhode Island in December 1776. Accomplishing this, Clinton requested leave and returned to England in spring 1777. While in London, he lobbied to command a force that would attack south from Canada that summer but was denied in favor of Burgoyne. Returning to New York in June 1777, Clinton was left in command of the city while Howe sailed south to capture Philadelphia. Possessing a garrison of only 7,000 men, Clinton feared attack from General George Washington while Howe was away. This situation was made worse by calls for help from Burgoynes army, which was advancing south from Lake Champlain. Unable to move north in force, Clinton promised to take action to aid Burgoyne. In October he successfully attacked American positions in the Hudson Highlands, capturing Forts Clinton and Montgomery, but was unable to prevent Burgoynes eventual surrender at Saratoga. The British defeat led to the Treaty of Alliance (1778) which saw France enter the war in support of the Americans. On March 21, 1778, Clinton replaced Howe as commander-in-chief after the latter resigned in protest over British war policy. In Command Taking command at Philadelphia, with Major General Lord Charles Cornwallis as his second-in-command, Clinton was immediately weakened by the need to detach 5,000 men for service in the Caribbean against the French. Deciding to abandon Philadelphia to focus on holding New York, Clinton led the army into New Jersey in June. Conducting a strategic retreat, he fought a large battle with Washington at Monmouth on June 28 which resulted in a draw. Safely reaching New York, Clinton began drawing up plans for shifting the focus of the war to the South where he believed Loyalist support would be greater. Dispatching a force late that year, his men succeeded in capturing Savannah, Georgia. After waiting for much of 1779 for reinforcements, Clinton was finally able to move against Charleston in early 1780. Sailing south with 8,700 men and fleet led by Vice Admiral Mariot Arbuthnot, Clinton laid siege to the city on March 29. After a prolonged struggle, the city fell on May 12 and over 5,000 Americans were captured. Though he wished to lead the Southern Campaign in person, Clinton was forced to turn over command to Cornwallis after learning of a French fleet approaching New York. Returning to the city, Clinton attempted to oversee Cornwallis campaign from afar. Rivals who did not care for each other, Clinton and Cornwallis relationship continued to be strained. As time passed, Cornwallis began to operate with increasing independence from his far-away superior. Hemmed in by Washingtons army, Clinton limited his activities to defending New York and launching nuisance raids in the region. In 1781, with Cornwallis under siege at Yorktown, Clinton attempted to organize a relief force. Unfortunately, by the time he departed, Cornwallis had already surrendered to Washington. As a result of Cornwallis defeat, Clinton was replaced by Sir Guy Carleton in March 1782. Death Officially turning command over to Carleton in May, Clinton was made the scapegoat for the British defeat in America. Returning to England, he wrote his memoirs in an attempt to cleanse his reputation and resumed his seat in Parliament until 1784. Re-elected to Parliament in 1790, with assistance from Newcastle, Clinton was promoted to general three years later. The following year he was appointed Governor of Gibraltar, but died in Gibraltar on Dec. 23, 1795, before taking over the post.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Types of My Favorite Movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Types of My Favorite Movies - Essay Example (5) findings, 44.9% of driving incidents in action movies are often shown. Driving, speeding and taking a break with screeching tires, sudden and quick breaking are among the risk behaviors depicted in action movies in which only a few of the risky acts appears to be followed by a crash of traffic. In such situations, the movies often show that, 2 people died on the spot, four escaped with minor injuries and no legal penalties were imposed on the driver. Thesis statement: Horror movies have one purpose that is clear. That is to develop the commercial credential of the movie director via portraying his skill and tactics at torture, brutal tracking and young women mutilation of screaming. Horror is a fantastic genre coupled with a science of fiction. The movies are significant in criticizing and projecting the issues happening in the current world. In addition to horror movies being scary, they often question gender and sex portrayal as well as capitalism role in the society. Despite their significance in the society, they have faced a lot of criticism. For instance, they have been perceived as harmful and misogynistic by film critics and feminists. On the contrary they are greatly consumed by audiences in particular to torture films. For instance, in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s some films were singled out as being extremely offensive despite their relevant accolades. Some of the films were such as the dressed to kill (1980), Halloween (1978) and maniac (1980). In these films, female characters were slain or brutally attacked when they indulged in sexual fantasies and situations (Joe 1). Comedy through humor helps in passing across various messages. Therefore, it helps individuals in defining there sense of people, world, societies, their desires, dreams and goals. Therefore, no matter how individuals interpret comedy messages, whether they disregard or accept them, to a great extent, they are socially influential. Comedy helps to portray the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Object-oriented vs traditional structured Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Object-oriented vs traditional structured - Essay Example It is indispensable to note that object oriented programming remains as the most high-level, flexible, and reusable program compared to structured programming. Object oriented programming (OPP), is much advanced than the structured programming languages since it incorporates three important principles of software development like encapsulation for data hiding which is not common in structured system. Structured programming is the application programming method created in a top- down coding style with functions oriented structures. The structured programming employs the programming mechanisms of dividing program source codes into modules, which consist of control statements like loops, library or user defined functions. The development and implementation of structured programming happens sequentially. Object oriented programming promotes the communication of objects and functions in the main program and the classes in private or public manner. There are three characteristics of object-oriented programming which the structured programming does not have for example the encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism (Pecinovscy, 2013). In contrast, structured programming takes the top-bottom approach in the development of its codes while OOP remains organized into classes and embedded with functions that control the data within the classes. Secondly, structured programming is based on data structures and subroutines while the object oriented has object that supports polymorphism or reusability accelerating system design hence the reduction cost in software development. Structured programming split tasks into modular forms improving the readability and the simplicity of its coding system. While in the object oriented programs each object code structure include the data and the statements controlling the data flow. There is no reusability in the structured code systems while in coding system of the OPP codes there is reusability meaning a section of codes can find use
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Challenges in HRM Essay Example for Free
Challenges in HRM Essay The main purpose of this article is to define the five major challenges in HRM. With the constant employee demands and constant negative consequences for employees, there has always been a need to satisfy them and provide them with benefits. HRM or human resource management is what looks into these types of issues and it focus on managing them efficiently and appropriately. The goal of this process addresses the most beneficial way to support employees while achieving results. Due to that reason, specific things need to be thought about thoroughly and plans must be made to asses those things. With this always comes challenges and in an article posted on Forbes, five of these challenges are put into perspective and they are explained with an enough detail to understand the reasons for focusing on theses specific issues. The key question that the author (s) is addressing is What it takes to be a good Leader and what are the top challenges for HRM to develop those leaders. Leadership skills are very important in today’s society and in every business. Being a leader is in itself a challenge. The most important information in this article is: Developing and retaining the best leaders is going to be one of the most important roles for Human Resources. The HR department has a clear role in this process and what it takes to determine the success of the organization. The main point(s) of view presented in this article are the challenges in HRM. The first two challenges are the investment in leadership development and to create a culture of collaboration. The reason for investing in leadership development is because it helps the best employees attain those necessary attributes to become a good leader. Some of these training includes something like a worthy education program through universities. Although this type of training might end up being expensive, the results of this investment are more beneficial than anything else. Helping the employees achieve their potential has a leader creates more leaders with improved skills and capabilities. Next challenge that is addressed is the need for a culture within the workplace that is based on collaboration. Individual improvement is not sufficient enough to have a successful group of employees. Building a need for collaboration will help those leaders work with other employees in a more efficient man ner. Collaboration can help a group of workers to do things as a unit and preferably reap better results. These are just two of the challenges in human resource managing that should be focused on in a business that will eventually lead to a better functioning staff. Managing these matters in the best way for the company is necessary and a significant part of HRM. The next two challenges presented in HRM are developing communicating skills and accountability. Having leaders and employees with good communication skills is a must and training should be given to those who lack in the skill. Without proper communication a team bond is harder to form and trust will also be hard to achieve. Leaders that have good communicating skills are able to build this type of unity in a group of workers which may help improve productivity from everyone. It is also a good thing to make sure that the standard for this type of skill is high. Employees, especially leaders, should always be looking for constant ways to improve how they communicate with other co-workers. The key concept we need to understand in this article is that: Leadership constantly presents challenges both to the leaders abilities and to a person. Things change, change brings challenge, and no matter how good a leader, they cant stop that from happening. How leaders handles those challenges will define them as a leader and have a great deal to do with how effective they can be. Some challenges come in the form of people or problems that present obstacles to reaching a goal. Far more come from within the leader itself, or from the situation of simply being a leader. Every leader must face many of those challenges and learn to deal with them in some way. The main conclusion in the article is: Leaders and HRM personnel need to raise awareness of the challenges that they are facing and the responsibilities that they have to develop the future leaders. References 5 Great Challenges Ahead For HR And Leaders Forbes. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Musings on Caltech :: Graduate Admissions Essays
Musings on Caltech My parents convinced me to have a picture taken a couple of months after I graduated from high school, back when I still thought I was pretty smart. Now, I only take the trouble to dress up when I'm back at home, where I can be pampered by my parents. Here at Caltech, I'm usually slightly emaciated (they don't bother with feeding Techers over weekends here) with a wearier complexion (Sleep? What is this "sleep"?). Also, I tend to be a little more shaggy-looking, since haircuts are rather rare for many Scurve Techers. I like other people to think that I'm part of a multifarious cultural elite. My life is a superfetation of high culture: I enjoy classical music that turns normal humans insane (Glass's Floe from Glassworks, for example); I'd be first in line to pay millions for the mindless doodles of a preschooler; I take my dates to those enigmatic European films which people go to for the sole purpose of looking cultured; and my spewing about the untapped potential of the information superhighway will bore even Al Gore. Of course, my crassness and boorish manners probably automatically disqualify me from any elitist group I crave to be a member of; but that, of course, just apodictically identifies me as a cultural poseur. It doesn't end there. Though I'm not really all that white, I'm still male, heterosexual, Christian (Protestant, even), pretty conservative, and non-vegetarian (notice all the wrong groups). Having been fairly thoroughly corrupted in submission to Western indoctrination (MTV, and all that), I've been properly excoriated for oppressing more than my fair share of under-represented cultures: women, atheists, liberals, gays.... I've probably oppressed you, too, if you happen to be in any way different from me. Or maybe I'm the victim. When someone reaches the point where he's willing to give up 5,000 years of cultural tradition just to listen to the insidious chortles of Beavis and Butthead, we really can't tell who's been victimized. Or at least, that's what we all claim. These things should bother me constantly (I'm the kind of guy who thinks more about how he should think/feel than how he really thinks/feels), but I cope with the ennui by numbing my senses with my opiate of choice: studying Physics as a sophomore at Caltech. (This is odd, since I notice I probably waste more energy messing around with computers.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How Recent Laws Promote Anti Discriminatory Practise In An Health And Social Care Environment
If any person or organisation discriminates against any one due to these factors then this is against the law and the person that has been discriminated amongst is entitled to take legal action to right for their is unlawful to discriminate anyone. An example of discrimination is that an employer does not give an applicant a job even though they are the best qualified person because the employer incorrectly thinks that the applicant is gay. This is a form of direct discrimination. In a health and social care setting you should treat everyone equally no matter their sexual orientation. As a care professional you should not make assumptions or make prejudgements about a person because it could lead to the care user being physical and emotionally hurt as they are going to feel that they are not value because of their differences to other people in society. You as a care professional should value everyone’s differences as it shows respect to the care user.It is important that you provide everyone with the same amount of respect as this is in their code of conduct which all employees should follow as this is part for their job and they should take this into consideration. The purpose of this act if that it puts together 40 years of equalities together legalisation all in one place. The purpose of this act is that it provides the same levels of protection from discrimination across all the protected characteristics in places where it is the most appropriate. Another reason is that this acts simples and consoles approximately 116 pieces of separate equality legalisation together . This act is important for our society as it means that :It extends the equality duty to require the public sector to take into account the need of all protected groups this act protects disable people from potential discriminated questions in the recruitment process it protect carers from discriminationIt states in this act that it protects pregnant women and mothers from using services The next law I will be talking about is the human right published in 1998. This act promotes anti discriminatory practise as people are entitled to a different amount of rights. These are some of the rights:the right to life the right to liberty the right to be protected against torture and slavery the right to have a free trail and punishment respect of privacy and family life freedom of thoughtAll residents living in the UK are entitled to these rights . An example of this is that a woman named Rosy told the manager that she was pregnant. the right that this lady is entitled to is that she is allowed to go on maternity leave .this is an right that the lady is entitled to as in the health and social care sector women are allowed to take off time when pregnant so they can send quality time with their family. Another example of a right is that in all hospitals patient are allowed to see their relatives during the visiting time locating on the ward. This allows the rel ative to spend quality time with the ill patient.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Hades/ Underworld : Greek Mythology Essay
Since the days when man lived in caves and struggled to survive, wondering about the world that surrounds him. What makes the sun rise and set? Why are there seasons? Where do things go when they die? To the ancient Greeks, there were simple explanations to all these questions – it was the gods! Things that seemed unexplainable could suddenly make sense when there were gods and goddesses involved. And these stories of the gods that the Greeks created to help make sense of the universe have survived the years to become a treasured and integral part of the history of the Western world. The Greek underworld, in mythology, was a place where souls went after death and was the Greek idea of afterlife. At the moment of death the soul was separated from the corpse, taking on the shape of the former person, and was transported to the entrance of Hades. Hades’ realm itself was described as being either at the outer bounds of the ocean or beneath the depths or ends of the earth. It was considered the dark counterpart to the brightness of Mount Olympus, and was the kingdom of the dead that corresponded to the kingdom of the gods. Hades was a realm invisible to the living and it was made solely for the dead. The Underworld, better known as Hades after the god who ruled it, was a dark and dreary place where the shades, or souls, of those who died lived. A persons whole life was planned and plotted by the Fates. The Fates were the three goddesses who controlled the destiny of everyone from the time they were born to the time they died. They were: Clotho, the spinner, who spun the thread of a person’s life, Lachesis, the apporitioner, who decided how much times was to be allowed each person, and Atropos, the inevitable, who cut the thread when you were supposed to die. When Atropos cut your thread you were dead and then you made your journey to Hades. Upon death, the shade is led by Hermes to the entrance of the Underworld and to the banks of the Acheron. There were five rivers that made up the Underworld. They were the Acheron (the river of woe), Cocytus (the river of lamentation), Phlegethon (river of fire), Lethe (river of forgetfulness), and the Styx (river of hate). This poem, written by an anonymous writer, was written about the rivers in the Underworld. â€Å"Abhorred Styx, the flood of deadly hate, Sad Acheron of sorrow black and deep; Cocytus named of lamentation loud Heard on the rueful stream; fierce Phlegethon Whose waves of torrent fire inflame with rage. Far off from these a slow and silent stream, Lethe, the river of oblivion, rolls Her watery labyrinth, whereof who drinks Forthwith his former state and being forgets, Forgets both joy and grief, pleasure and pain. â€Å" Hades (Aides, Aidoneus, or Haides), the son of Kronos and brother of Zeus and Poseidon, was the Greek god of the underworld. When the world was divided between the sons of Cronos, Zeus received the heavens, Poseidon the sea, and Hades the underworld; the earth itself was divded between the three. Therefore, while Hades’ responsibility was in the Underworld, he was allowed to have power on earth as well. However, Hades himself is rarely seen outside his domain, and to those on earth his intentions and personality are a mystery. In art and literature Hades is depicted as stern and dignified, but not a fierce torturer or devil-like. However, Hades was considered the enemy to all life and was hated by both the gods and men; sacrifices and prayers did not appease him so mortals rarely tried. He was also not a tormenter of the dead, and sometimes considered the â€Å"Zeus of the dead†because he was hospitable to them. Those who received punishment in Tartarus were assigned by the other gods seeking vengeance. In Greek society, many viewed Hades as the least liked god and many gods even had an aversion towards him, and when people would sacrifice to Hades, it would be if they wanted revenge on an enemy or something terrible to happen to them Hades was sometimes referred to as Pluto and was represented in a lighter way – here, he was considered the giver of wealth, since the crops and the blessing of the harvest come from below the earth. Persephone (also known as Kore) was the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, and Zeus. Persephone was abducted by Hades, whom desired a wife. When Persephone was gathering flowers, she was entranced by a narcissus flower planted by Gaia (to lure her to the Underworld as a favor to Hades), and when she picked it the earth suddenly opened up. Hades, appearing in a golden chariot, seduced and carried Persephone into the underworld. When Demeter found out that Zeus had given Hades permission to abduct Persephone and take her as a wife, Demeter became enraged at Zeus and stopped growing harvests for the earth. To soothe her, Zeus sent Hermes to the Underworld to take Persephone back to her mother. However, Hades made her eat a pomegranate seed so that she was forever tied to the underworld, since the pomegranate seed was sacred to the underworld. When one would die, the family would place one obol, or a coin, under the deceased’s tongue. This coin would pay as fare to Charon who would ferry the dead over the Acheron River. Charon is the ferryman who is often depicted as an old sulky man, or as a winged demon carrying a double hammer. Those who cannot afford to pay Charon were doomed to wonder the banks of the Acheron River for one hundred years. The Greeks had a definite belief that there was a journey to the afterlife or another world. They believed that death was not a complete end to life or human existence. The Greeks accepted the existence of the soul after death, but saw this afterlife as meaningless. In the underworld, the identity of a dead person still existed, but it had no strength or true influence. Rather, the continuation of the existence of the soul in the Underworld was considered a remembrance of the fact that the dead person had existed, and while the soul still existed, it was inactive. However, the price of death was considered a great one. Homer believed that the best possible existence for humans was to never be born at all, or die soon after birth, because the greatness of life could never balance the price of death. The Greek gods only rewarded heroes who were still living; heroes that died were ignored in the afterlife. However, it was considered very important to the Greeks to honor the dead and was seen as a type of piety. Those who did not respect the dead opened themselves to the punishment of the gods – for example, Odysseus ensured Ajax’s burial, or the gods would be angered. Guarding the Underworld was the three-headed dog Cerberus. He permitted new spirits to enter, but never one to leave. When you arrived at the Underworld, three judges determined your sentence. They were Rhadamanthus, Minos the first, and Aeacus. Rhadamanthus, the son of Zeus and Europa, was rewarded to be judge because of the justice he showed on Earth. Minos the First, the son of Zeus and Europa, was another judge who, before he died, was the ruler of Crete, and most know him from the story of Theseus and the Minotaur. The third judge is Aeacus, the son of Zeus and the nymph Aegina, assisted Poseidon and Apollo build the walls of the city Troy. After his death Zeus rewarded him the position of judge. You could go to three different places in the Underworld, depending on your life on Earth and what you had done. Most shades went to the Asphodel Fields, but before any entered, drinking from the Lethe River was a must, causing one to forget everything that had happened in a past life. Asphodel was an ugly , gray, ghostly weed that covered the Fields. This place was for the normal, everyday person, who did nothing special in his or her life. The second place they could go was the Elysian Fields or Elysium. Elysium was reserved for the heroes, or people the gods favored. Regular feasts, banquets, and hunts were held there. The third and final place you could go to was the lowest region of the world, called Tartarus. It was surrounded by a wall of bronze and beyond that three-fold layer of night. Tartarus, presided over by Kronos, was where the souls went who had defied the gods in some way. The Hundred-headed Giants guarded it. Around Tartarus is Phlegethon, with its flames and clashing rocks. One of the Furies, Tisiphone, sits upon the iron tower, with her bloody robe, and sleepless day and night, guards the entrance. Few people dwell in the Underworld, because of its gloominess and darkness. Hades, the King of the Dead, rules over the entire Underworld. The god was a dread figure to the living, who were quite careful how they swore oaths to his name. To many people, to utter his name was frightening, so they used another word in its place. Since all precious minerals came from under the earth, the people thought of Hades as very wealthy. He was was sometimes referred to as Ploutos, meaning wealth. This accounts for the name given him by the Romans, who called him Pluto. Hades sits on a throne of ebony and carries a scepter. He also has a helmet that makes him invisible, given to him by the Cyclopes( I would love to barrow that sometime). Persephone, Hades’s wife, also lives with him in his palace. Along with Charon, the ferryman, the Furies live down there also. The furies are the three daughters of Mother Earth, conceived from the blood of Uranus. They were powerful goddesses that personified conscience and punish people for their crimes. They were Megaera (jealousy), Tisiphone (blood avenger), and Alecto (unceasing in pursuit). They were usually depicted as winged women with serpent hair. When called upon they would hound their victims till they died in a rage of madness or suicide. Orpheus, a poet and musician that had almost supernatural abilities to move anyone to his music, descended to the Underworld as a living mortal to retrieve his dead wife after she was bitten by a poisonous rattlesnake on their wedding day Eurydice. With his lyre playing skills, he was able to put a spell on the guardians of the underworld and move them with his music. [54] With his beautiful voice he was able to convince Hades and Persephone to allow he and his wife to return to the living. The rulers of the Underworld agreed, but under one condition – Eurydice would have to follow behind Orpheus and he could not turn around to look at her. Once Orpheus reached the entrance, however, he turned around, longing to look at his beautiful wife, only to watch as his wife faded back into the Underworld. He was forbidden to return to the Underworld a second time and he spent his life playing his music to the birds and the mountains. â€Å"Greek civilization is alive; it moves in every breath of mind that we breathe; so much of it remains that none of us in one lifetime could absorb it all. †Ancient Greeks are known to be one of the greatest and most advanced people and have left behind a legacy that helped define the Western civilization. Cultural diffusion helped spread Greek culture all over the world, and its effects can still be felt today in almost every aspect. Greek culture has greatly affected different parts of my daily life including architecture, food, government, inventions, music, religion, and education. Modern day architecture in America is greatly influenced by ancient Greek architectural styles, which include columns and decorative elements such as sculptures. The Parthenon is an excellent example of the surviving Greek architecture, and it has inspired buildings such as The Capitol Building, Lincoln Memorial, and White House, all of which are located in Washington DC. Some of the food one wouldconsume daily has origins from the Greek cuisine. The Underworld is what the Greeks and Romans believed you went after you died. It was where everything horrible, evil, and sad lived. If you weren’t a hero or a favorite of the gods you were sent to that horrible place. What a dreadful thing to look forward to after your life was completed on Earth. I hope you enjoyed learning about the Underworld and the beliefs of the Greek and Roman peoples afterlife.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Influences On My Art in 2190 essays
Influences On My Art in 2190 essays Artists in this century have a long and rich, and problematic heritage on which to draw. As an artist I have been influenced by others before me and by the world around me. The technology that has been introduced into art is both a problem and a challenge for artists as it changes the meaning of what art is and could be. World events, the fourth world war and the failure of science and reason as the main tools of modern thought - all these factors have influenced and inspired me in the way I practice and One of the most important revelations that have inspired my work is the non-dualistic artistic school, which has recently come into prominence. It is not well-known that this movement had its origins hundreds of years ago in the early twentieth century. Possibly the greatest influence on myself and many other artists has been the radical changes in the political and philosophical structures of the modern world. I refer particularly to the reaction to the new world order after world amalgamation. My earliest influences, which still inspire me today, are old- fashioned, even primitive artists. This did not endear me to the techno- wizards and virtual art simulators of our time. However, I was impressed with the early twentieth century artists like Picasso and Braque and by the surrealists like Max Ernst. Although their methods were by our standards somewhat primitive, their work laid the foundations for our modern These artists were the first to move away from art as representation and follow, intuitively then, a feeling that art was more than just decoration or social comment. They instinctively showed through their work that they felt that art was a form of thinking and an evolution in human consciousness. Artists like Max Ernst are only now being understood in his u...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Complete Breakdown of Every ACT Reading Question Type
Complete Breakdown of Every ACT Reading Question Type SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips It’s helpful to know how much certain types of questions show up on the ACT Reading section in order to make the most of your studying. We’ve collected data from publicly available ACT tests on the types of questions that show up most frequently. In this article I’ll go through the different question types, how much they show up on the test, and how this information can help you. What Are the ACT Reading Question Types? Before we go through the distribution of question types on the test, I’ll give a brief outline of the different question categories we’ve established and what each one entails. Type 1: Big Picture Questions Big picture questions deal with the main subject of the passage or the narrator’s overall point of view.These types of questions require you to look at the passage holistically rather than focusing on one specific section. Example of a big picture question: The main theme of this passage concerns the: A. difficulty of first starting and then maintaining a friendship.B. process of making a new friend and how the friendship changes the narrator.C. problems the narrator has dealing with the loss of her former neighbors.D. differences in the lives led by two pairs of adults who at different times lived in the same house. Type 2: Little Picture/Detail Questions Little picture/detail questions will ask about a small piece of factual information in a passage.These are the most straightforward questions because they are completely literal; it’s just a matter of finding the correct information. Example of a little picture/detail question: According to the passage, the research that led to the development of the small-comet theory began with a project originally intended to study: A. the electrical activity accompanying sunspots.B. water entering Earth’s upper atmosphere.C. static in satellite transmissions.D. specks in satellite images. Type 3: Vocabulary in Context Questions Vocabulary in context questions ask about the meaning of a word in the context of the passage.They might also give you something in the passage to reference and then ask you to choose the vocabulary word that best describes it.These questions provide a line number for the word they're referencing, so that makes them a bit less time-consuming. Example of a vocabulary in context question: As it is used in line 58, the word humor most nearly means: A. personality.B. whim.C. mood.D. comedy. Type 4: Development and Function Questions Development and function questions askhow a certain paragraph or phrase functions in the context of a passage, how the argument in the passage is developed, or how the author structures the passage.These questions gauge your understanding of how thoughts should be organized in writing in general or why they might be arranged a certain way for a specific argument. Example of a development and function question: The main function of the second paragraph (lines 20-29) is to: A. identify some of Armstrong’s mentors, such as King Oliver.B. list some of the early events in Armstrong’s developing career.C. contrast Armstrong’s opinions of King Oliver and Fletcher Henderson.D. describe the musical style Armstrong developed jointly with Fletcher Henderson. Type 5: Inference Questions Inference questions ask you to make inferences based on a logical extension of information found in the passage.These types of questions are often perceived as difficult and subjective, but they can always be solved by looking at information directly presented in the passage. They just require a couple more steps in your thought process. Example of an inference question: It can reasonably be inferred from the passage that the woman most strongly desires to attain which of the following qualities from dreaming? A. RelaxationB. Self-awarenessC. EntertainmentD. Self-control How does she know....she isn't already in a dream? I have to admit, the special effects almost distracted me from the sheer ridiculousness of this movie. Distribution of Question Types Here is a chart that lists all the different question types on the ACT Reading section along with their average distributions on the test: Question Type Average Number of Questions Percentage of Questions Big Picture 4 10% Little Detail 18 45% Vocabulary in Context 3 8% Development and Function 9 22% Inference 6 15% All Questions 40 100% ACT Reading always presents four types of passages in order on every test: Prose/Literary Fiction, Social Science, Humanities, and Natural Science.I'll go through the different question types again below, explaining their distribution on the test and whether they tend to show up more often with passages in certain topic areas. Big Picture Questions On each of the four publicly available tests we analyzed, we found four questions that could definitively be identified as big picture questions.This covers main point and point of view questions.Essentially, because there are four topic areas on the ACT Reading section, you should expect to see about one big picture question per topic area.They comprise4 out of 40 reading questions on average, so they only make up about 10% of the Reading section. Little Picture/Detail Questions Detail questions are the most common questions on the ACT Reading section.On the tests we analyzed, detail questions made up from 12 to 21 questions out of 40, so as much as half of the entire Reading section.On average, they’re about 45% of each test. This is good news because detail questions are the simplest ones to answer!These questions come down to reading carefully and finding the correct details in the passage. They’re more about time management than critical thinking. Vocabulary in Context Questions Vocabulary in context questions made up a relatively small percentage of questions on the tests we sampled.On one of the tests, we didn’t find any!On average, you can expect there to be about 3 vocabulary in context questions on the Reading section, so less than 10% of questions.This brings home the fact that knowing vocabulary is not very important on the ACT - it’s such a small portion of the test that it’s not going to be significant overall. Vocabulary in context questions tend to show up the most often in the Natural Science topic area, so along with the final passage or pair of passages in the reading section. Development and Function Questions Development and function questions are the second most common question type on the ACT Reading section.You’ll probably see about 7 to 10 function questions on the Reading section, so about 2 for each passage.They made up about20% of questions on each of the tests we analyzed. Development and function questions tend to show up the most often with the Humanities passage or pair of passages, so you'll commonly see them in questions 21-30. Inference Questions Inference questions are also common, but they're not quite as prevalent as function questions.It seems to depend on the test. I saw a wide range in how many inference questions were tested; on one test there were only 3, and on another there were 10.Inference questions usually make up about 15% of questions on the ACT Reading section.Inference questions are relatively even in terms of their distribution across subject areas. Your brain after being ENLIGHTENED. This really confuses me though - isn't the lightbulb supposed to be above your brain? Why is the brain inside the lightbulb? I don't have all the answers. How Does This Information Affect Your Approach to ACT Reading? Here are a few tips based on what we know about question distribution on the ACT Reading section. You can save yourself time by tailoring your approach to the types of questions you'll see most frequently. Adapt Your Passage Reading Strategy The biggest challenge on the ACT Reading section is not the difficulty of the questions - it’s time.Many people run out of time on ACT Reading because they haven’t nailed down a good strategy for reading the passages yet.They move too slowly and miss out on some of the questions. Because detail questions are the most common questions on the ACT, one strategy is to skip the passage initially and head straight for the questions.For questions that ask about a specific detail, it’s not critical to know the overarching structure of the passage. You just need to do a little search and find to locate the relevant detail. Once you answer the detail questions, which make up close to half of the questions for each passage, you will likely have a strong enough sense of the main point of the passage to answer more challenging inference, development and function, and big picture questions.Vocabulary in context questions can usually be answered without reading the passage first as well, since the line number is provided. Of course, if you’re already a fast reader and don’t have trouble with time pressure on the Reading section, feel free to continue to read the passage first.Some people prefer to skim and then head for the questions, but you should know that the distribution of question types on the ACT means that you don’t HAVE to read the whole passage first. Attention to Detail is Key As we now know, little picture/detail questions are the most common question type on the ACT.It follows, then, that attention to detail is critical on the test!I want to stress again that most of these questions are not that hard. What makes them difficult is time pressure along with a few tricky answer choices that you might fall for if you’re rushing. Avoid making assumptions, and don’t rush through the question if you can avoid it.Many of the mistakes students make on the ACT Reading section could be avoided by reading more carefully and paying attention to keywords or details in the passage.If you have any time at the end of the section, go back and check over your answers so that you can be sure you didn’t misread anything. Keep in mind the fact that all questions on the ACT Reading section, not just little detail questions, can be solved successfully by looking closely at the passage and finding direct evidence for your answers. Don’t Worry Too Much About Vocabulary Vocabulary usually gets a lot of attention in standardized test prep because it gives you the opportunity to focus on something concrete. It's evident from the question distribution numbers, however, thatvocabulary is almost a non-issue on the ACT. There will be a few vocabulary in context questions, but the words in these questions are not particularly advanced.These questions require strong reading comprehension skillsso you can understand variations in the meanings of common terms based on context.Your passage reading skills will be much more critical than your vocabulary knowledge when answering vocabulary in context questions. NOT TODAY! Summary There are five types of questions that you’ll encounter on the ACT Reading section: Big Picture Little Detail Vocabulary in Context Development and Function Inference The most common are little detail questions, then development and function questions, then inference questions, and finally big picture and vocabulary in context questions with about the same frequency. Based on this information about question distribution, you should: Read passages more strategically Pay close attention to detail Reduce time spent on studying vocabulary Now that you know the types of questions you'll see on the ACT Reading section, you can feel even more secure in your preparedness for the test! What's Next? For more information about ACT Reading, check out my other articles on the hardest questions you'll see on the Reading section and thefundamental strategyyou need to know to succeed on ACT Reading. You should also take a look at our guide to getting a perfect 36 on the Reading section if you're applying to very competitive colleges. If you're taking the ACT soon, read this article on the best way to practice for the Reading section! Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this English lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
In House Payroll or Outsourcing Payroll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
In House Payroll or Outsourcing Payroll - Essay Example The identifying of two alternatives for pay roll administering was done and the recommendations for picking up one were done according to the needs of the management of NB enterprises. Recommendations were made keeping in view the size of the NB enterprises. The requirements for the option chosen were also mentioned with time bound plan to execute the decision taken. What is Pay roll: Payroll can be termed as a list of employees who receive regular pay from the organization. It is a system through which the employees of an organization are paid. The salary structure, schedules of tax, benefits, allowances, pay frequency and pay dates are the internal parts of the payroll structure If the system is computerized it can be understood as the process that was used by a company to process and pay the salaries of the workers and employees. 1 Identification of two alternatives for maintaining the pay rolls: The pay roll administration can be done in two different ways. First one is to have a payroll Unit in the company which administers over the payments of the employees and prepares the lists regarding the pays and advances. The other method is to outsource all the activities regarding the payments and advances of the employees to company which offers computerised pay roll administration. The outsourcing company renders the needed services as a final output, which depends on the information supplied by the company. According to Vanessa Robinson1 a resourcing adviser, the outsourcing of Pay rolls will give more time to HR personnel to concentrate more on the strategic roles that increase or enhance the performance of the organisation. Some of the advantages are listed as follows: 1. It may reduce costs, but the cost benefit must be analysed by cost effectiveness of other processes. 2. There is a chance to outsource the work to a company having higher expertise in the field of pay roll work. 3. The values of HR can be increased by decreasing the burden of pay roll from the department. The HR department can concentrate more on policy and decision making. 4. The rapid growth in organisation is capable of leaving HR department in a freezing position. This situation can be avoided by outsourcing the pay roll to a payroll bureau. The precautions that should be followed and the disadvantages in outsourcing the pay roll work. 1. The need of outsourcing must be identified accurately. The functions that are suitable for outsourcing differ from company to company. 2. The foremost thing is estimating the cost effectiveness of the outsourcing. If it is not cost effective, it is better to rethink about it. 3. Along with pay roll, some other services like tax effectiveness also must be outsourced in case of outsourcing of pay roll. 4. The level up to which the service has to be outsourced must be estimated accurately. 5. The information supplied to the company to which we outsource the work must be accurate to ensure that the output will be correct. 6. The cost of the service and the time for the services are offered for that price should also be mentioned in the pact. 7. The time allotted to the outsourcing process should be significant to avoid the negligence of staff/manager relationships. Disadvantages of outsourcing the pay roll The details of expenditure on salary and tax encumbrances will be revealed to others. The policy decisions that are taken to avoid tax restrictions on pay rolls must be conveyed to the company. Though the process
Thursday, October 31, 2019
MGMT499 - 1403B - 04 Individual Project 1 Research Paper
MGMT499 - 1403B - 04 Individual Project 1 - Research Paper Example Formulating the right steps needed to reach these aims is also crucial. The top management team has always excelled at this function in Starbucks. First, CEO Howard Schultz wanted the company to offer a different coffee-selling experience from its competitors. Therefore, it dwelt on making the ambience and services at Starbucks more laid-back than at other companies. It established a way of achieving those outcomes by effectively training its baristas to maintain high coffee standards (Cleary, 2007). In addition, the company also had a plan to make its presence felt in almost all corners of the US and internationally. The management team thus expanded into non urban areas where it doubled its outcomes. It even entered into grocery stores and drive-thru locations. The company worked on its business aspect by licensing some of its products as well as offering a platform called â€Å"Starbucks for business†(Paryani, 2011). This innovation allowed suppliers to contract out their businesses through these platforms. Overall, the company demonstrated t hat strategic and operational panning are essential in succeeding within the coffee industry. Organizing as a management function is that aspect which entails the development of the right structures needed to meet the objectives created in the planning phase. An effective management team ought to design jobs in a manner that provides the right amount of autonomy and enrichment (Carpenter et. al., 2009). Additionally, the way departments and levels at the organization are arranged should be in order to get the most out of the company’s resources. Starbucks has a range of baristas, store managers and administrators. Most of them have job positions that are well cut out and understood by the members. However, the organization strives to make baristas jobs more enjoyable by empowering workers with knowledge needed to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Wk 2 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wk 2 questions - Essay Example In macro needs assessments, surveys will probably be required. In contrast, in very micro settings, consultations with the local population and professional judgment can suffice to make a valid need assessment. This is because in very micro-settings, the community people can be convened for headcounts to substitute for surveys or census and professional judgment based on ocular inspection or rapid random sample or 100% physical check-ups on the population can suffice to identify health needs. If resources are limited then a combination of the following can be done to make rapid needs assessment: 1) key informant interviews; 2) focused group discussion; 3) consultations meetings with the community, local authorities, and local professionals; and 4) workshops with community leaders, local authorities, and local professionals. In the key-informant interviews, we focus on the local people or non-residents of the community whom we believe have an intimate of the locality. For instance, community leaders and anthropologists/sociologists who have been studying the community can be classified as â€Å"key informants†. In a focus group discussion, we convene a small group who are usually composed of people whom we can also classify as key informants to discuss needs and make an assessment of the situation or needs of the community under our supervision. In consultations meetings with the community and other stakeholders, we can convene a meeting with them even without maki ng a distinction between key informants and non-key informants and discuss with them community needs. We ask them to identify for us what their community needs are---under our supervision, of course. Workshops are very similar with focused group discussion except that the latter are more democratic and participatory. The unities arrived at workshop are usually stake-holder driven rather than driven by
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Importance of Integrated Marketing Communications
Importance of Integrated Marketing Communications This research will be dedicated to the subject area of Integrated Marketing communications and will investigate the planning and execution of marketing communication strategies. The proposed tittle of the dissertation is: An investigation of contemporary approaches in managing marketing communication strategies to forge brand awareness and to build strong brand-consumer relationship through the use of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). A case study of Indian Companies. Marketing Communications are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers- directly or indirectly- about the products and brands they sell. Kotler and Keller (2009). In accordance to this definition, Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) can be characterised as a concept that focuses on identifying and developing strategy with the right combination of marketing channels to forge a stronger brand-consumer relationship. 2. Aims and Objectives for the Research (Background and Issue/Issues underlying the research)? Aims It is important for any organisation to notify consumers about its products and brands exploiting different means and to market their products. However, the development such marketing strategies rebuffs the existence of significant factors and assumes that the process is flexible enough to cope with any adversities that are expected in the real world. However, the aim of this dissertation will be to demonstrate that this assumption is wrong and the situation is indeed a significant aspect in the selection and configuration of the marketing communication strategies. The dissertation will critically reflect on the methods followed by organisations and will attempt to formulate a situational approach in developing an effectual marketing communication program. Objectives The objectives of this research would be: Outlining the role and relevance of Integrated Marketing communications in establishing stronger brand-consumer relationship. Critically evaluating the development of an analytical framework of various Integrated Marketing communications tools for planning communication strategy. Examining the effects of information provided by the marketers on customers attitudes towards a product or brand. To propose a set of best practices that lead to the development of an effective marketing campaign by a situational combination of different elements of the examined models. 3. Literature Review that will provide the academic underpinning: The literature discusses Integrated Marketing Communication to be a concept which is designed to make all the aspects of the marketing communications such as advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, etc. to work as a unified force rather than permitting them to work in isolation. Kotler and Keller (2009) define Marketing Communications as the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers-directly or indirectly-about the products and brands they sell. In addition to this, they view integrated marketing communication as the personification of a company and its brand which possesses a message and builds relationship with the consumers. Kotler and Armstrong, 2008 also comes to the conclusion that the objective of marketing communications is to ensure the consistency of message with complimentary use of media. Kotler and Keller, 2009 states that Integrated Marketing Communications helps in building brand equity by portraying the brand in the minds of the potential consumers and forming a brand image. Kotler and Armstrong (2008), claims that conflicting messages from a wide range of media mix and communication approaches creates confusion in the consumers mind about the companys image, brand positions, and customer relationships. They also maintain, Integrated Marketing Communications leads to a total marketing communication strategy aimed at building strong brand-consumer relationships by creating awareness of the brand among the consumers and linking it to the right associations to the brand image in the their memory. Kotler and Keller (2009) argue that to reinforce the prestigious image of a product or brand, a well-chosen formulation of Integrated Marketing Communications platforms is important. The marketers must seek and co-ordinate the messages from a variety of different sources (Yeshin, 1998). Yeshin further extended that there must be a feedback mechanism between all the elements of the communication strategy and the development inputs of the communication strategy must be chosen in a way that fulfil the promotional objectives established for the campaign. Percy (2008) recognized the integrated use several of marketing communication tools as the largest and fastest growing form of marketing communication which the company uses to introduce or to strengthen its product or brand in the market place. Onkvisit and Shaw cited in Blythe (2003) states that customers attitude is the learned inclination to respond time to time in a favourable or unfavourable way towards that particular product. Opinion towards a product or brand can be considered as a measure of how much a person likes or dislikes a brand (Pelsmacker, Geuens and Bergh, 2001). They describe the reason for these brand attitudes is the belief that the more favourable the brand attitudes are, the more likely the purchase of a brand becomes. Cognitive orientation, based on an information-processing, problem-solving and reasoning approach of human beings, considers the consumers to be an adaptive problem solver, who uses the information provided through various channels to conceptualize and acquiring knowledge (Fill, 2002). It appears that many of the motives for purchase are driven deeply by information provided by the marketers explaining that how the use of a particular product or brand can solve a specific problem, which is also supported by Fill (2002). Developing effective communications begins with identifying the target audiences, their objectives, designing messages, selecting the channels and establishing the budget (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Furthermore, they maintains that most effective communication plan focuses on achieving multiple objectives such as brand awareness, brand attitude, brand purchase intention, etc. The targeted audiences have critical impact on the marketers decisions about what will be said, how, where, when and who will say it (Kotler and Armstrong, 2008). Harmonizing to Kotler and Keller (2009), Kotler and Armstrong suggest that feedback also plays an important role in making a communication strategy more effective. Marketers need to know where the target audiences now stand and to what stage they need to be moved (Kotler and Armstrong, 2008). Researches indicate that the best communication program ask questions and allow readers and viewers to form their own conclusions (Kotler and Keller, 2009). 4. Sources of data/information you anticipate using: The selection of resources has been limited by the fact that there is no financial support available. For my project, I will use the following resources: Personal Network: My professional experience put me into the position of having a well-populated address book in hand. I have identified a group of individuals, who not only have the required level of expertise but might also want to participate in my project because they are interested in the subject. The information will be sourced from three directors, two general managers, four marketing managers of the companies listed below: Schà ¶n Ultrawares Pvt. Ltd., India. Tulip 3P Media Pvt. Ltd., India. Daksh Tools and Appliances Pvt Ltd., India. Libraries: There are university library and several public libraries, I have access to. In addition university library offers a nation-wide inter library loan service. Association for Computing Machinery: This special interest group for computer professionals provides several valuable resources. Most of them can be directly accessed online via the Digital Virtual Library. 5. Access/Research Ethics: I will confirm the Chairman, Directors and Marketing managers of the company clearly and in advance of the purpose of my research. I will ensure that they understand that I am collecting data for my Masters research. I will notify them that the data will only be published in my Dissertation. I will do this on email. I will also report them on email that the identity of the Company as well as their identities will not be revealed in my Dissertation. I will do this by speaking with the Directors and the marketing manager and also emailing them. I will also advise them that their views will not be read by other respondents in the Company. In this way, I will ensure confidentiality. 6. Possible techniques to be used for data/information analysis/interpretation: Several factors call for an inductive approach for this research. The limited resources do not permit an exhaustive data collection as required for a quantitative analysis. At the same time, the differences in the Integrated Marketing Communication programs across organisations suggest a qualitative analysis that can take into account the particular set of circumstances under which the data has been collected (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). In this respect the aim of the dissertation will be addressed through desk research and structured interviews. The desk research will involve critical evaluation on the readings from text books and articles from journals, newspapers and magazines, etc. written by the academics and practitioners related to the underpinnings of the basic theories and management of Integrated Marketing Communications. Data collection will consists of gathering information from directors, general managers and marketing managers. The research will incorporate interviews to identify the groundwork, beliefs and attitudes of the marketing personnel regarding the use of various platforms in their marketing strategies. Data generated from this research will be recorded, summarized using the content analysis technique and will be compared to the data by other studies, the results of which are presented in the literature. 7. Potential Outcomes of your piece of research: The outcomes of the research would be: Finding out and understanding the underpinnings of the marketing strategy of the Indian companies and the practices performed by them in regard to the use of the various Integrated Marketing Communication platforms to make customers aware about their products, brands and services. Comparing the practices of the companies with those of theoretical models proposed by the academics and practitioners to find out how the company performs in relation to the model. Recommendations on the strategies of the company as to whether they should stick with the same methods or how can they improve the quality of their strategies in spreading awareness through Integrated Marketing Communication platforms. 8. Timetable for your research covering the whole period of time available (by month) as below: Time Frame Activity March Refine research objectives. Some part of reading for literature review. April Deciding the structure of the literature review. Finalizing access arrangements. May Deciding on interview dates. Deciding on data for the questionnaires. June Finish reading for literature review. Begin writing chapter-1. Writing chapter-2. July Designing the questionnaire. Designing the interview structure. Designing how to analyze secondary data. Writing chapter-3. Beginning the interviews. Sending out questionnaires. August Finishing collecting data. Analyzing data. Writing chapter-4. Begin writing chapter-5. September Finishing chapter-5. Reviewing other chapters. Applying final changes. Proof reading. Submission of Dissertation.
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