Thursday, October 31, 2019
MGMT499 - 1403B - 04 Individual Project 1 Research Paper
MGMT499 - 1403B - 04 Individual Project 1 - Research Paper Example Formulating the right steps needed to reach these aims is also crucial. The top management team has always excelled at this function in Starbucks. First, CEO Howard Schultz wanted the company to offer a different coffee-selling experience from its competitors. Therefore, it dwelt on making the ambience and services at Starbucks more laid-back than at other companies. It established a way of achieving those outcomes by effectively training its baristas to maintain high coffee standards (Cleary, 2007). In addition, the company also had a plan to make its presence felt in almost all corners of the US and internationally. The management team thus expanded into non urban areas where it doubled its outcomes. It even entered into grocery stores and drive-thru locations. The company worked on its business aspect by licensing some of its products as well as offering a platform called â€Å"Starbucks for business†(Paryani, 2011). This innovation allowed suppliers to contract out their businesses through these platforms. Overall, the company demonstrated t hat strategic and operational panning are essential in succeeding within the coffee industry. Organizing as a management function is that aspect which entails the development of the right structures needed to meet the objectives created in the planning phase. An effective management team ought to design jobs in a manner that provides the right amount of autonomy and enrichment (Carpenter et. al., 2009). Additionally, the way departments and levels at the organization are arranged should be in order to get the most out of the company’s resources. Starbucks has a range of baristas, store managers and administrators. Most of them have job positions that are well cut out and understood by the members. However, the organization strives to make baristas jobs more enjoyable by empowering workers with knowledge needed to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Wk 2 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wk 2 questions - Essay Example In macro needs assessments, surveys will probably be required. In contrast, in very micro settings, consultations with the local population and professional judgment can suffice to make a valid need assessment. This is because in very micro-settings, the community people can be convened for headcounts to substitute for surveys or census and professional judgment based on ocular inspection or rapid random sample or 100% physical check-ups on the population can suffice to identify health needs. If resources are limited then a combination of the following can be done to make rapid needs assessment: 1) key informant interviews; 2) focused group discussion; 3) consultations meetings with the community, local authorities, and local professionals; and 4) workshops with community leaders, local authorities, and local professionals. In the key-informant interviews, we focus on the local people or non-residents of the community whom we believe have an intimate of the locality. For instance, community leaders and anthropologists/sociologists who have been studying the community can be classified as â€Å"key informants†. In a focus group discussion, we convene a small group who are usually composed of people whom we can also classify as key informants to discuss needs and make an assessment of the situation or needs of the community under our supervision. In consultations meetings with the community and other stakeholders, we can convene a meeting with them even without maki ng a distinction between key informants and non-key informants and discuss with them community needs. We ask them to identify for us what their community needs are---under our supervision, of course. Workshops are very similar with focused group discussion except that the latter are more democratic and participatory. The unities arrived at workshop are usually stake-holder driven rather than driven by
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Importance of Integrated Marketing Communications
Importance of Integrated Marketing Communications This research will be dedicated to the subject area of Integrated Marketing communications and will investigate the planning and execution of marketing communication strategies. The proposed tittle of the dissertation is: An investigation of contemporary approaches in managing marketing communication strategies to forge brand awareness and to build strong brand-consumer relationship through the use of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). A case study of Indian Companies. Marketing Communications are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers- directly or indirectly- about the products and brands they sell. Kotler and Keller (2009). In accordance to this definition, Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) can be characterised as a concept that focuses on identifying and developing strategy with the right combination of marketing channels to forge a stronger brand-consumer relationship. 2. Aims and Objectives for the Research (Background and Issue/Issues underlying the research)? Aims It is important for any organisation to notify consumers about its products and brands exploiting different means and to market their products. However, the development such marketing strategies rebuffs the existence of significant factors and assumes that the process is flexible enough to cope with any adversities that are expected in the real world. However, the aim of this dissertation will be to demonstrate that this assumption is wrong and the situation is indeed a significant aspect in the selection and configuration of the marketing communication strategies. The dissertation will critically reflect on the methods followed by organisations and will attempt to formulate a situational approach in developing an effectual marketing communication program. Objectives The objectives of this research would be: Outlining the role and relevance of Integrated Marketing communications in establishing stronger brand-consumer relationship. Critically evaluating the development of an analytical framework of various Integrated Marketing communications tools for planning communication strategy. Examining the effects of information provided by the marketers on customers attitudes towards a product or brand. To propose a set of best practices that lead to the development of an effective marketing campaign by a situational combination of different elements of the examined models. 3. Literature Review that will provide the academic underpinning: The literature discusses Integrated Marketing Communication to be a concept which is designed to make all the aspects of the marketing communications such as advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, etc. to work as a unified force rather than permitting them to work in isolation. Kotler and Keller (2009) define Marketing Communications as the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers-directly or indirectly-about the products and brands they sell. In addition to this, they view integrated marketing communication as the personification of a company and its brand which possesses a message and builds relationship with the consumers. Kotler and Armstrong, 2008 also comes to the conclusion that the objective of marketing communications is to ensure the consistency of message with complimentary use of media. Kotler and Keller, 2009 states that Integrated Marketing Communications helps in building brand equity by portraying the brand in the minds of the potential consumers and forming a brand image. Kotler and Armstrong (2008), claims that conflicting messages from a wide range of media mix and communication approaches creates confusion in the consumers mind about the companys image, brand positions, and customer relationships. They also maintain, Integrated Marketing Communications leads to a total marketing communication strategy aimed at building strong brand-consumer relationships by creating awareness of the brand among the consumers and linking it to the right associations to the brand image in the their memory. Kotler and Keller (2009) argue that to reinforce the prestigious image of a product or brand, a well-chosen formulation of Integrated Marketing Communications platforms is important. The marketers must seek and co-ordinate the messages from a variety of different sources (Yeshin, 1998). Yeshin further extended that there must be a feedback mechanism between all the elements of the communication strategy and the development inputs of the communication strategy must be chosen in a way that fulfil the promotional objectives established for the campaign. Percy (2008) recognized the integrated use several of marketing communication tools as the largest and fastest growing form of marketing communication which the company uses to introduce or to strengthen its product or brand in the market place. Onkvisit and Shaw cited in Blythe (2003) states that customers attitude is the learned inclination to respond time to time in a favourable or unfavourable way towards that particular product. Opinion towards a product or brand can be considered as a measure of how much a person likes or dislikes a brand (Pelsmacker, Geuens and Bergh, 2001). They describe the reason for these brand attitudes is the belief that the more favourable the brand attitudes are, the more likely the purchase of a brand becomes. Cognitive orientation, based on an information-processing, problem-solving and reasoning approach of human beings, considers the consumers to be an adaptive problem solver, who uses the information provided through various channels to conceptualize and acquiring knowledge (Fill, 2002). It appears that many of the motives for purchase are driven deeply by information provided by the marketers explaining that how the use of a particular product or brand can solve a specific problem, which is also supported by Fill (2002). Developing effective communications begins with identifying the target audiences, their objectives, designing messages, selecting the channels and establishing the budget (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Furthermore, they maintains that most effective communication plan focuses on achieving multiple objectives such as brand awareness, brand attitude, brand purchase intention, etc. The targeted audiences have critical impact on the marketers decisions about what will be said, how, where, when and who will say it (Kotler and Armstrong, 2008). Harmonizing to Kotler and Keller (2009), Kotler and Armstrong suggest that feedback also plays an important role in making a communication strategy more effective. Marketers need to know where the target audiences now stand and to what stage they need to be moved (Kotler and Armstrong, 2008). Researches indicate that the best communication program ask questions and allow readers and viewers to form their own conclusions (Kotler and Keller, 2009). 4. Sources of data/information you anticipate using: The selection of resources has been limited by the fact that there is no financial support available. For my project, I will use the following resources: Personal Network: My professional experience put me into the position of having a well-populated address book in hand. I have identified a group of individuals, who not only have the required level of expertise but might also want to participate in my project because they are interested in the subject. The information will be sourced from three directors, two general managers, four marketing managers of the companies listed below: Schà ¶n Ultrawares Pvt. Ltd., India. Tulip 3P Media Pvt. Ltd., India. Daksh Tools and Appliances Pvt Ltd., India. Libraries: There are university library and several public libraries, I have access to. In addition university library offers a nation-wide inter library loan service. Association for Computing Machinery: This special interest group for computer professionals provides several valuable resources. Most of them can be directly accessed online via the Digital Virtual Library. 5. Access/Research Ethics: I will confirm the Chairman, Directors and Marketing managers of the company clearly and in advance of the purpose of my research. I will ensure that they understand that I am collecting data for my Masters research. I will notify them that the data will only be published in my Dissertation. I will do this on email. I will also report them on email that the identity of the Company as well as their identities will not be revealed in my Dissertation. I will do this by speaking with the Directors and the marketing manager and also emailing them. I will also advise them that their views will not be read by other respondents in the Company. In this way, I will ensure confidentiality. 6. Possible techniques to be used for data/information analysis/interpretation: Several factors call for an inductive approach for this research. The limited resources do not permit an exhaustive data collection as required for a quantitative analysis. At the same time, the differences in the Integrated Marketing Communication programs across organisations suggest a qualitative analysis that can take into account the particular set of circumstances under which the data has been collected (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). In this respect the aim of the dissertation will be addressed through desk research and structured interviews. The desk research will involve critical evaluation on the readings from text books and articles from journals, newspapers and magazines, etc. written by the academics and practitioners related to the underpinnings of the basic theories and management of Integrated Marketing Communications. Data collection will consists of gathering information from directors, general managers and marketing managers. The research will incorporate interviews to identify the groundwork, beliefs and attitudes of the marketing personnel regarding the use of various platforms in their marketing strategies. Data generated from this research will be recorded, summarized using the content analysis technique and will be compared to the data by other studies, the results of which are presented in the literature. 7. Potential Outcomes of your piece of research: The outcomes of the research would be: Finding out and understanding the underpinnings of the marketing strategy of the Indian companies and the practices performed by them in regard to the use of the various Integrated Marketing Communication platforms to make customers aware about their products, brands and services. Comparing the practices of the companies with those of theoretical models proposed by the academics and practitioners to find out how the company performs in relation to the model. Recommendations on the strategies of the company as to whether they should stick with the same methods or how can they improve the quality of their strategies in spreading awareness through Integrated Marketing Communication platforms. 8. Timetable for your research covering the whole period of time available (by month) as below: Time Frame Activity March Refine research objectives. Some part of reading for literature review. April Deciding the structure of the literature review. Finalizing access arrangements. May Deciding on interview dates. Deciding on data for the questionnaires. June Finish reading for literature review. Begin writing chapter-1. Writing chapter-2. July Designing the questionnaire. Designing the interview structure. Designing how to analyze secondary data. Writing chapter-3. Beginning the interviews. Sending out questionnaires. August Finishing collecting data. Analyzing data. Writing chapter-4. Begin writing chapter-5. September Finishing chapter-5. Reviewing other chapters. Applying final changes. Proof reading. Submission of Dissertation.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Discuss Your Goals For The Next Four Years And Comment On Your Post-co :: essays research papers
Discuss Your Goals For the Next Four Years and Comment on Your Post-College Plans      â€Å"Next stop, 66th Street and Lincoln Center, †bellowed the cracked voice of the conductor over the loudspeaker. Those words rang in my ear like the notes of a familiar melody. Stepping off the number three train, I was immediately immersed in the scents, sounds and faces of my past. All the wonderful memories of those four years came rushing back into my mind as if they had just occurred. I was finally returning to my birthplace, my home, my origin; my Fordham University.      When I arrived at the campus the first person I saw was my former acting instructor, the great Larry Sacharow. Just seeing him set me awestruck with happiness; it was in his class that my career really took off. â€Å"Professor Sacharow,†I shouted, over the hustle and bustle of the crowded city sidewalk. We finally caught up to each other and exchanged blissful remarks. We spoke of all the wonderful things which have been happening since I successfully completed his class in my sophomore year and how I was offered a spot in Les Miserables and how the references and contacts he gave me opened countless windows of opportunity. One of his references led me back to my high school where I am now teaching a college theatre preparatory course for the 12th grade. He was ecstatic! I couldn't express to him enough how much I enjoyed his class and all the lectures and theatre games we played. It is those little things that I remember most.      After our joyful trip down memory lane, Professor Sacharow (who preferred me to call him Larry which I just couldn't do out of plain respect) led me into the lobby of the residence hall where a mural of myself hung on the east wall. I remember the day the university dedicated that lobby to me for my outstanding achievement. My friends and I had led a fund rally for the school to raise money for the many programs which would be affected by the enormous tax hike in the fall of ‘99. We eventually raised over five million dollars for the university and prevented the cutting of many of the school's fine programs. My fellow thespians, Susan, Richard and the rest of the Theater Acting III class, told the President of what I had organized and how successful it had been. The marvelous mural and dedication was a token of the university's gratitude. I was brought to tears. I felt that this wasn't only the work of myself, but of
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Research Design and Methodology Essay
Method of Research This Study will use the Experimental method of research.The experimental method involves manipulating one variable to determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another variable. This method relies on controlled methods, random assignment and the manipulation of variables to test a hypothesis. The researchers decided to use experimental method because it is the most suited kind of method of research for our Investigatory Project which is involves creating a new product. Respondents of the study The respondents of our study are the 1st year students of Roosevelt College Rodriguez School Year 2012 – 2013. The researchers decided to use the 1st year students because they are the youngest among the high school students, proving that they are the ones that are most obedient and cooperative students. The researchers used 5 neighbor are chosen as respondens. Locale of the Study The study was conducted at the Roosevelt College Rodriguez, in the high school department. Roosevelt College Rodriguez is a private non-sectarian high school which is located at Manggahan, Rodriguez Rizal. It was established in 1962 and it is one of the branches of Roosevelt College System. It is a three-story building which has 53 well-ventilated and well-lighted rooms. Roosevelt College Rodriguez has facilities like elderly care rooms for the care giver course. It has also fine laboratories namely three computer laboratories, in which each has approximately 25 computer units. One highly maintained speech laboratory which contains 40 cubicles and one equipment and apparatus. The school has its own air conditioned resource learning center (library) with several books that can help the students in doing researches and home works. It has an audio visual room (AVR) to be used for meetings, small sized events and presentation of videos to the students. A function hall was built recently that serves as a venue for different events/programs, seminars conducted inside the campus for the whole year round. Roosevelt College Rodriguez also has facilities like a canteen, covered walk, basketball court, herbal garden and a wide school ground that were highly maintained and can assure the security of the students. Being managed by our beloved directress, Mrs. Carmencita V. Alcantara, Roosevelt College Rodriguez has passed the PAASCU level 1 status accredited private school and is now undertaking and complementing requirements for the level 1 PAASCU accreditation. Research Instrument The research instrument that the researchers used is a questionnaire which was made by the researchers. The questionnaire consists of 5 different questions all concerning our product, the Spinanggay Cookies. The questionnaire will be answered by checking 1 of the boxes that corresponds to the following Excellent – 5, Very Satisfactory – 4, Satisfactory – 3, Failed – 2, Poor – 1. Procedure: 1. Preheat the oven to 375 °F/190 °C 2. In a medium bowl, combine flour, salt, and baking soda. To reduce lumpiness, sift through a sifter or sieve. Gently mix these together, then set the bowl aside. 3. In a large bowl, beat the butter and sugars together, then beat in eggs and vanilla. The coarseness of the sugar granules will help break the butter down, so be sure to do these first. Then add the eggs and vanilla and mix again until completely combined. 4. Slowly add the dry ingredients from the medium bowl to the wet ingredients in the large bowl, and then add spinanggay powder. Pour some of the dry ingredients, stir, and repeat until the dry and wet ingredients are totally combined. 5. Drop spoonful of cookie dough onto a pre-greased or a lined baking sheet. Leave at least an inch of space between the cookies because they’ll spread out when they cook. You can usually fit 12 cookies on a full-sized cookie sheet at a time. 6. Bake for about 9 to 11 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and let the cookies rest on the pan for 3-4 minutes. Seventh, using a spatula, lift cookies off and place onto wax paper or a cooling rack. Let cool for about 5 more minutes. Last, Eat when hot and steamy or cooled and slightly crisp. Experimental Design In gathering the data for our research, we conducted a survey on the 1st year students of Roosevelt College Rodriguez. The â€Å"table of random numbers†was used to identify the 30% of the 1st year students which was going to be our respondents. Before conducting the survey we passed a copy of our questionnaire to our teacher to validate the questionnaire. To conduct the survey we went to each section of the 1st year and handed out the questionnaires and a piece of the Spinanggay cookies. After answering the questionnaires, the questionnaires were returned to us for the tabulation of results to make a conclusion. Statistical Tools Weighted Mean We will use the weighted mean to rate and get the results of the questionnaire that will be given to our respondents and to make our study accurate. Table 1 represents the tally of the respondents’ answers together with the computed weighted mean and the verbal interpretation. Question 1, earned a weighted mean value of 3.00 interpreted as satisfactory. This suggests that the spinanggay cookies tastes good and the respondents liked the Spinanggay Cookies. Question 2, got a weighted mean value of 3.00 weighted mean value in table 1. It is interpreted as Very Satisfactory, showing that the respondents find it easy to observe the taste of the Malunggay and spinach while eating the cookies. Question 3, obtained a weighted mean value of 3.00, and interpreted as  Satisfactory. This shows that the respondents think that the Spinach and Malunggay tastes good when mixed together. Question 4, got a weighted mean value of 3.00, and interpreted as satisfactory,implicating that the respondents think that the Spinanggay Cookies is not too good but is good enough to sell in the market. Question 5, earned a weighted mean value of 3.00, and interpreted as Satisfactory,implicating that the Spinanggay Cookies may be as good as the commercially sold cookies. Based on the table 1, the product is acceptable. The respondents particularly liked the taste of Spinaggay cookies. The taste of spinach and malunggay may be observed easily as it was the one with the highest weighted mean value, with 3.00 weighted mean. The lowest is 3.00 which correspond to number 4 asking if the product is ready to be sold in the market. It acquired the verbal interpretation of Satisfactory showing that the product is ready to be sold but may still be improved to increase sales if it is sold. 1. Does the Spinanggay cookies taste good? 2. Were you able to taste the spinach and Malunggay in the Spinanggay cookies? 3. Do you think that the Malunggay and Spinach in Spinanggay cookies complement each other? 4. Is the spinanggay cookies good enough to sell in the market? 5. Is the Spinanggay cookies comparable to commercially sold cookies?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
These new manufacturers must pay a $10,slotting fee channel also requires each manufacture to contribute funds a minimum of every 3 months for cooperative weekly trade promotions that average $8,000 nationally per ad, per retailer chain. This fee is in addition to any advertising expenditures that the manufacture may have. If the manufacture product continuously does not make a profit for the retailers, it can be pulled from the channel. The Manufacture would then have to repay the slotting fee when applying for re-entry. Because of the multiple fees and uncertainty, this channel provides the most risk for smaller manufacture but also provides a high level of potential.Nature Stores Channel Unlike the supermarket chain, the nature store channel is friendly to small manufactures whose funds are lacking. The only one-time SKU fee for new manufactures in this channel is a allocation of one complementary case of product for every new SKU in the first year. This would usually equate to be ing less than the supermarket channel slotting fee. Along with this fee, manufactures will often use sales brokers to attract retailers. These brokers charge about 4% of manufacture sales in the yogurt category. In this channels distribution, there are 5 steps a product goes through. First the product is manufactured by the manufacture and then is sold to natural foods wholesalers.Then it is sold to distributors who do bulk breaking and then sell and deliver to the retailers who sell to the final consumer. Generally in this channel, prices are usually higher since the niche target consumers are less price sensitive. An z and a jazz cup of yogurt go for $0. 8 and $3. 19, while a z cumulating can sell for $3. 35. Even though this channel is small and generally more expensive it is growing 7 times faster than the supermarket and offers continued potential for small manufactures such as Nature view. Strength On huge strength for Interview Farms is their products shelf life. Because Inat tentiveness organic, natural ingredients with now growth hormones, their yogurt stays fresh up to 50 days.This is huge considering that the completion's product only stays fresh for 30 days. This means there will be less product loss and thus the cost f goods sold will be lower. Interview also has a strong reputation based on quality, taste and natural ingredients. This will help Interview when introducing any new product consumers will be more willing to try it. This reputation is one of the reasons why Interview has strong relationships with nature store retailers. This relationship entitles Interview to be able to work with the retailers to try and sell the product more efficiently and thus increase profit and most likely sales. Weakness Interview is a small manufacture.It has limited funds to which it can use to emigrating decisions. Thus, marketers for Interview must take this in mind when creating strategic marketing plan. Also because Interview is small, their revenues are ge nerally low. This affects Interviews abilities to attain valuation amongst venture capital firms. Noteworthiness of Interview is that their current strategy is not very flexible. It is based for denature store channel. Thus if Interview decides to expand to the supermarket channel, they williwaw to revise their entire marketing strategy. Opportunity The organic food market is expected to grow tremendously over the next few years due congressing consumer interest.This will create new opportunities for product line extensions rooter new product launches. The rise to organic foods is also why Interview an opportunity to disadvantage of this and expand their product offering and thus revenues. Threats Competition is by far Interviews biggest threat. Companies such as Horizon Organic and Brown Cow in the nature store channel are competing directly with Interview to gain a strangle hold in the organic yogurt industry. There is also competition from national brands such as Daemon and Haplo id who are rumored to be launching their own organic yogurt. Another huge threat is the possibility of nature store channel retailers increasing the demand on logistics and technology criteria.If these retailers begin demanding the use of scanning devices and automated inventory tracking systems, Interview will be hard-pressed to find the funds necessary to facilitate those demands. Financial Analyses Interviews revenues are not that bad since they do hove 24%market share to lead their competitors. However the advertising and sales expenses seem to be a little when compared to the gross profit. This is the main reason why the final net income is Just 2%of revenue. If Interview wants to gain more profits they will have to find ways to reduce expenses or increase revenue, which is the logical option since Interview wants to increase revenues to $20 million by the end of 2001. Organizational Objectives 2001 fiscal year This objective is largely due to necessity.Interview farms must be able to meet this objective if they can attain validation for venture capital firms to invest and infuse them with funds that can be used toward strategic investments. If this objective was not met Interview would have no choice but to consider being part of an acquisition. Alternatives/Options regions Option 1 is that Interview expands into the supermarket channel with 6 SKU of theist product size. This expansion will cover the west and the northeast regions. Expansion in to the west region will include the top 9 retail chains, while the northeast region will include the topple retail chains. This will equate to 20 total retail chains.The main reason why the z product was chosen for this option is because it represents a large part of the target group. The z size is the most popular and thus offers the best potential. In fact this whole option offers great potential. Expected sales are at $25. 9 million from this option alone. By choosing this option Interview will be able to gain a first move advantage on their organic yogurt competitors. Getting your foot first in the door means you will have a heads up on the market by the time the competition arrives. This is crucial for success. This option is expected to get the most unit sales out of all the options. It is expected to get 35 million units sold to receive revenue of $25. 9 million.When that is added with Interviews current revenue of $million, it will equate to $38. 9 million, well over the $million objective. Advantages Sigh potential for increased revenue Consumers in EN and W region rearmost likely to purchase organic Expected 1. 5% market share after 1st year (35 million unit sales) Disadvantages Sigh risk will increase by for sales staff,$120,OHO formatting staff Direct competition with national brands (Daemon, Haploid) This option seems to give the most potential. However it also has a lot of risks and cost associated with it. The only way this would be a liable investment would be if some of the risks were abolished. Otherwise this option seems to be too expensive and risky to pursue.Option 2: Expand into the supermarket channel with 4 SKU of jazz yogurt in all regions Like option 1, option 2 also has Interview expand their product into the supermarket channel. However unlike option 1, option 2 has Interview expand with 4 SKU of not z but the jazz of yogurt. The reasoning behind this is that there will be less competition in the category's and that the profit margin for jazz option is 63% versus 51% for the z. It is expected that a sales volume of 5. 5 million units will be sold in the first year. This will bring revenues from this opt ion alone to $14. 85 lion. When added with Interviews current revenue of $million, it will equate to $27. 85 million, well over the $20 million objective.This option will expand into all for regions, with a total of 64 retail chains. The SKU slotting fee is extremely high at $2. 56 million, but on average the trade promotion will be lower sin ce the jazz size will only be promoted twice a year, rather than the normal four times a year. Advantages Fewer competition Lower on average trade promotion expense Cougher profit margin for jazz versus Expected 1st year sales of 5. 5 million units Disadvantages None users may not want to purchase large jazz quantity of product Every difficult to achieve full national distribution within one year This option seems to be taking a differentiation approach.If this option is chosen by Interview, they would be one of only a few companies to offer the jazz size of organic yogurt in the supermarket chain. That fact that there is not many competitors is a huge advantage. However this option is also very risky and has many unknown such as whether it is plausible to distribute nationally within one year. For this option to be acceptable the risk and unknowns must be dealt with. Option 3: Introduce 2 SKU of children multi pack into natural foods channel In this option, Interview will not expan d into the supermarket channel. Instead Interview will introduce a new line of products for children in the nature foods channel.They will introduce 2 SKU off's multicasts. The multipart market was identified earlier in this analyses because of its annual growth rate of 12. 5%. Even thought multicasts are only 9% of total organic yogurt sales, the tremendous growth rate give this market a huge amount of potential without much risk. This is a huge reason why this option is valuable. Another reasons s that cost will be done since SKU slotting fees will no longer be changed. There will be a required allocation of one complementary case of product for every new SKU in the first year. This would usually equate to being less than the supermarket channel slotting fee. This option will also require a broker fee of 4%.Total revenues with this option will be about 6 million with 1. 8 million units sold at a price $3. 35 per unit. take advantage of current relationships within nature foods cha nnel Low risk factors Interview positioned nicely for option Low cost take advantage of growing natural foods channel Low expected revenue Requires R;D to develop product This option is by far the most conservative of the three. It presents the least amount of risk because the basis of this option is to stick with what is known. Interview knows the natural foods channel. They know the distributors, retailers, consumers and anyone in between. There are very few unknown variables.However because there is so few risk involved, reward is also few. The revenues from this options is the lowest of the three options. Combined with the current$13 million revenue, it equates to Just over $19 million. This is under the objective of $million. This must e taken in consideration when choosing the recommendation. Recommendation After careful review and thorough analyses of the problem, situation and available options, It is recommended that Interview Farms chooses the third option. The reason why this option was chosen was because it offered very few risk and had a vide variety of known variables. It also took advantage of the growing nature food channel and the multipart market segment.This option also did not require an entire marketing strategy change. It used the same distributors, retailers and consumers. However, because this option ends up being $1 million short of the objective, it is highly encouraged that Interview Farms invest more funds in marketing the launch of children's multipart. Interview must ensure that they can increase the expected revenues by $1 million or more in order to meet or beat the objective of $20 million. Perhaps a more intensive concentrated promotion plan would yield $1 million or more in extra revenue. If this option is followed with the suggested revisions, it has the potential to increase Interviews success tremendously.
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