Monday, January 27, 2020
Miriam Defensor Santiago for President
Miriam Defensor Santiago for President Jamaica May Arizapa Kimberly Baltazar Senate’s Woman of Steel for President All people are deemed to be potential leaders. But only a few achieve the crucial requirements demanded to effectively lead. The capability to head is either connatural or developed. Everybody discerns that leading a country is considerably one of the toughest accountability. A common inquiry of the majority includes the information of what he or she will accomplish, the advantages to them and the probable outcomes of the leader’s limited term. The head of the country has the power to rule, thus it is his or her responsibility to use it relevantly in a righteous way with valid purposes. In addition to that, a considered instance of his or her job is to guarantee the safety and stable lifestyle of his or her fellow countrymen. No person is perceived to be foolproof; consequently, exquisite abstract characterizations should not be the whole basis in selecting a leader. However, he or she is presumed to minimize carelessness and irrational errors. Sublimely, the president’ s duty is to bring in significant development in every aspect for the country. A good leader is impelled by inspiring vision success for the country. He or she is motivated to execute excellent tasks that will help to cope with his or her country’s limitations. An effective leader doesn’t just browbeat, but also hears the voices of his or her fellow countrymen. He or she develops good communication between him or her and them. Being optimistic is not merely a favorable factor; moreover, it must be combined with being realistic so it would bring forth substantial and remarkable development in the country. An effective leader is both a critical and creative thinker that comes up with significant resolutions to many problems. A true leader works hard because of his or her genuine passion for work. Most importantly, the leader believes in his or her country and constitution. On the upcoming elections on 2016, the Filipino voters must make a deliberate decision. Basically, the voters’ dominant choice will determine the fate of the country. As thoroughly researched and observed, the one who deserves the position the most to be granted by the Filipino citizens’ voting power on the next election is Miriam Defensor–Santiago because she visibly demonstrates commitment to public service in a way that she cares for youth and woman, fights corruption, is the Senates top performer in terms of bills and resolutions filed, courageously justifies her judgements through trials, and well-experienced in the field of politics. Despite of being known as the Iron Lady of Asia according to the Asia Magazine, Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago has her soft heart and sympathy to the children and women. Aside from being a senator she is also a woman and a mother, and she understands the needs of children and women. As a mother, she already experienced of losing a child and she considers that children need protection. In line with this, she filed a Senate Bill No. 2446 or the Children’s Emergency Relief and Protection Act to prioritize and give attention to the security of children affected by natural disasters. Santiago said, â€Å"Children are the most vulnerable in times of disaster. They are at higher risk of disease, abuse, and exploitation. . . .†(Miriam Defensor-Santiago, n.d) Another bill concerning children is the Senate Bill No. 2455 Special Protection of Children against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act which she filed on November 2014. It aims to protect children against any abu ses and discrimination that they are exposed to. She also protects the rights of women by a co-authoring R.A. No. 9710 or the Magna Carta for Women. It conveys a framework of rights for women based directly on international law. The different features of the law comprises act that focuses on the human rights and defying gender discrimination against women. It seeks to eliminate discrimination through the recognition, protection, fulfillment and promotion of the rights of Filipino women, especially those belonging in the marginalized sectors of the society. (Philippine Commission on Women, n.d) She also supports political participation of young people in the country. Oxfam defined activism as the Youth participation helps to promote the civic and political life of young people. According to Santiago in her inaugural speech for the public forum at the Leong Hall, Ateneo de Manila University, youth participation helps to promote the civic and political life of young people. In country like Philippines whose corruption is all over, there is still a politician who is honestly serving the country and continuing in fighting corruption. She is Miriam Defensor Santiago who has the urged to dispute corruption. One of the biggest sources of corruption is the manipulation of the proposed budget, and as a devotee of fighting corruption she monitored the proper distribution of country’s budget. The House of Representatives approved on second reading the proposed P2.606 trillion national budget for 2015. According to Santiago this proposed budget is unconstitutional and questionable. In a privilege speech she uttered that the 2015 budget which contains two dangerous minefields leading to corruption, is not what people expect it is what administration candidates expect. She also called it as an ‘election budget’. (Miriam Defensor-Santiago, n.d) When she noticed something wrong on the distribution the national budget she immediately acts to liquid ate the starting point of corruption. One evidence of this is when she immediately calls for a resolution calling for an investigation regarding the reports that the Philippine Postal Corp. (Philpost) has accumulatedP5 billion in unsettled cash advances from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). Another good thing about Miriam Santiago is that she is not afraid of questioning officers even it is higher than her. In connection with the corruption scandal of Vice President Jejomar Binay, Miriam- Defensor Santiago said that banks should be required to exposed dummies. Santiago has filed Senate Bill No. 2438, mandating banks to practice monitoring of accounts beneficially owned by politically exposed persons. Santiago’s bill provides that at account opening, banks should require customers to complete a written and signed declaration identifying themselves, the legal entity for which the person is opening the account, and any beneficial owners associated with th e legal entity. Banks should also be required to undertake measures to prevent money laundering of ill-gotten wealth by corrupt government officials and their dummies. Surrounded by politician who is being blind by money, Miriam Defensor Santiago still holds her integrity of not accepting bribe from anyone. This was proven when she returned the P250,000 cash gift given to her by Juan Ponce Enrile, who was then the Senate president. Santiago also revealed that on top of the P250,000 cash gift from Enrile, almost all of the senators were also given P1.6 million from the savings of the Senate (Sy, 2013). Miriam Defensor Santiago surprised the crowd and reporters when she announced that she is suffering from Stage 4 lung cancer. Despite of being ill, Miriam- Defensor Santiago managed to be the top-ranking senator in terms of the number of bills and resolutions filed since the start of the 16th Congress. She did not let her sickness stops her from serving the country. Based on the Senate legislative bills and index service, Santiago filed the most number of bills at 437, 436 of which she was the principal author. She also filed 181 resolutions, 179 of which were introduced by her. In November 18, 2014, she filed the Senate Bill No. 2457 Newborn Infant Safe Haven Act. It is an act providing safe haven for abandoned newborn infants. Another one is she filed a bill about Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Disclosure Act. It is all about protection the public health by requiring tobacco manufacturers to disclose information on ingredients and constituents in tobacco products. Miriam Defensor-Santiago strongly justifies her judgements based on facts and experience through trials. She heard major cases in criminal and civil law and handled special proceedings. In any given week, she might hear criminal cases ranging from bad checks through drug dealing, robbery, rape, and murder, and civil suits involving adoption, probate, or large claims between competing businessmen. The Philippine judicial system follows the European system in eschewing jury trials: the judge determines guilt or innocence and metes out sentences. Those who tried to bribe her, she threatened with citations for contempt of court. To make the point, she sent some immediately to jail, ordering them released, relieved but shaken, shortly thereafter. She admonished her staff against accepting or forwarding to her any gifts from interested parties. In a procedure manual she wrote, now used widely by other judges, she stated: The first rule of this courtroom is no bribes, no extortion. To a jud ge who sent her unsolicited advice about one of her cases, she replied through his messenger that, if he wants to decide my case, then I should take steps to have the case transferred to him. Rebuffing influences from all sides, Defensor-Santiago eventually got her message across. After six months people stopped trying to influence her decisions (Santiago, Miriam Defensor, 2012). Miriam Defensor-Santiago is well-experienced in the field of politics. Besides from being a senator of the Philippines from 1995-2016, she also became the Chair of Presidential Agrarian Reform Council Executive Committee, and Commissioner of Immigration and Deportation, Presiding Judge at the Regional Trial Court (Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago, n.d.). Santiago (2012) described the problem with Philippine elections at the Far Eastern University Central Student Organization lecture series: Let me summarize the problem with Philippine elections: Of the 50 million voters who will troop to the polls in May next year, the greater majority are not intelligent, they are not educated for voting, and the candidates they choose are not educated for serving. This problem is the result of the fact that our Constitution provides that no literacy requirement shall be imposed on voters. Furthermore, although the Constitution provides that a senator should be literate in that he should be able to read and write, the same Constitution does not require any educational attainment on the part of any candidate. Filipino voters have the biggest contribution in determining who will be the next president and in order to have an effective president, the citizens should vote wisely. They should not be deceived by the popularity of the candidates. Voters should regard the capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of the campaigners. Assessing that Miriam Defensor-Santiago has the care for youth and woman, fights corruption, is the Senates top performer in terms of bills and resolutions filed, strongly justifies her judgements through trials, and well-experienced in the field of politics, she can be a potential president of the country. References Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago. n.d . Retrieved November 20, 2014 from Senate of the Philippines: Senator Miriam Defensor – Santiago. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2016, from the Senate of the Philippines: Sy, M. 2013. Retreived November 22, 2014 from The Philippine Star: Santiago, Miriam Defensor. 2012. Retrieved November 23, 2016 from Ramon Magsaysay Awardee Foundation:
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Racism on Long Island
Andrea Colletti 2/2/13 Dr. Cecelia Steger Eng W 001 MA1 Quite often, incoming freshmen do not realize that doing well in college requires much more work than they thought. I, Andrea Colletti, feel that I bring excellent skills that will help me succeed at Nassau Community College. I have over ten years work experience at my current company, Travel Impressions. Over the past ten years I have gained great customer service skills, geography product knowledge, hotel operations, marketing, and sales expertise. As a mature 29 year old full time employee, I will most definitely take college seriously.If you ask anyone who knows me, they will say that I am one of the most honest and dedicated person they know. I have longed to attend college for such a long time, but I kept pushing it to the side due to my busy work schedule. I am at the point in my life where I feel that I am ready to attend college, and ready to attain my goals. Although I am very lucky to have found my career, there will always be promotional opportunities in which I will need a degree. My company had an excellent job posting that I was very interested in, and I was well qualified for.Unfortunately the posting required a Bachelors degree which stopped me from applying. I know that by getting my degree, I will succeed and grow further in my career as an Iberostar Accoun Manager. In my current position, I handle the sales, product and marketing for Iberostar Hotels & Resorts which are located throughout Mexico, Caribbean, and Brazil. I am so proud of myself for attending college and succeeding my goals. I look forward to a bright future with all of my knowledge that I will gain at Nassau Community College. When I attended high school at Kellenberg Memorial, I did not take it seriously.My high school was very strict and did not give students the opportunity to act as individuals. I was so upset that I had to wear a hideous uniform while my friends that attended public school got to wear beautiful trend y clothing. I was not sure what I wanted to do when I grew up, and had no life goals. I am sure this is how most high school graduates feel at some point. During the eleven years at my company, I matured and gained a new respect for learning new things. I love to keep my mind stimulated and travel the world. I live by the motto â€Å"Travel is life’s most rich gift. I enjoy traveling all over the Caribbean and Mexico, and thanks to my job I have had the opportunity to see many beautiful places. I enjoy learning about other cultures. I look forward to coming to class each day because I leave with gained knowledge. There is nothing more rich then the gift of knowledge. My future goal is to graduate Nassau Community with my Associates Degree in Business Marketing, and complete my Bachelors Degree in Business at Farmingdale State University. I’ve learned that you can reach any goal in life as long as you stick to it and do not give up.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Social Network Essay
Social network essay Social networking can be a useful tool for keeping in touch with friends and family but when it is used to substitute it for actual face to face contact it can be a dangerous thing. You can't lie; social networking is a very large part of our lives. In September 2011 Facebook registered 800 million users. Social networking can have good effects on people and help them out but it can be used inappropriately and can have very disastrous effects on people’ friends that you want s lives.Social networking may have some cons but if used properly it can be a very useful device. When used properly it can help you stay in touch with people you wouldn’t normally be able to like friends or family overseas. Instead of having to call or write a letter you can just talk over the internet. It may not only be family or friends that you want to talk to, there might be someone that you like but don’t have the confidence to talk to them. You can build up your c onfidence over the internet and not worry about stumbling over your words.One of the arguments that people who are against social networking is that it can reduce face to face contact but if you use it well then It can actually increase it. You can organise things very easily compared to other ways like over the phone. Things like Facebook can be very helpful if used right but that can be the problem. People may feel they are being social but online interaction is no substitute for face to face contact. â€Å"Facebook is a tool. I compare it to a car: you can drive to isolate yourself from others or you can drive to meet people.If you use Facebook to increase face-to-face contact, it increases social capital. †It can help people but only if you do the right thing. This can be a really bad thing about social networking, it can promote loneliness. People will feel as though they are being really social but really they are becoming lonelier. People will feels as though no one r eally knows who they are and what they are really like. It can make people even worse when they see a new photo album or post saying â€Å"best day eva†tagged with some friends. That can make people feel left out and not part of a group.It can make people jealous of others and why they didn’t get invited. It isn’t always accidental when people get hurt though. Social networking can be good if it is used correctly but the problem is a lot of people don't. People don’t always realise that posting something when you ten or fifteen can come back to hurt you when you are twenty-five. You could do something or have photos of you on Facebook when you were younger and then you are going for a job and they find it you could end up missing the job just because of that. It can give kids a much easier way to bully their peers.In the schoolyard you can have teachers around to stop it but over the internet there isn’t someone there to stop it. You do have to be careful about who you are talking to because they might not always be who you think. You shouldn’t add people who you don’t know because you don’t know who they are and what kind of person they are. Social networking can be a good thing but it must be used correctly. Social networking is a good thing but it must be used correctly or else it becomes a very dangerous place for everyone. It can be a very useful and important device but it may be us who end up destroying it.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Regulation of Aviation at the Federal, State and Local Level
Regulation of Aviation at the Federal, State and Local Level Aviation has an impact on everybody and everything. Not only does it have an impact on a worldwide base, but it also has as big an impact on local business. Aviation in regulated in many different ways nationwide. There are many regulations that are federal, such as airspace, and must be obeyed by everyone and there are regulations that are local, such as traffic pattern altitude, and must be obeyed as if they were federal regs. As in any other field of work there are laws and regulations people must obey by. If people were allowed to do what ever they want, then we would live in a world of chaos. There are many different levels of regulation in the aviation industry.†¦show more content†¦For example like traffic pattern altitudes, these figures are different in every single airport. That shows enforcement on local regulation. Now of course that’s as simple as it gets. Local regulation is usually of the airport it involves. Like lets say every airport has m any different procedures. Let’s take Republic airport in Long Island. Now republic airport is a general aviation airport with corporate jets flying in and out of it. Now some of the regulations, which apply or are made by Republic, are noise abatement. Noise abatement is a procedure you most follow in order to comply with airport departure procedures. Every single airport in the country is different so no single one will have to same procedures. Then also instrument procedures and minimums according to the airport elevation and also obstruction clearance it differs. There are set minimums by the federal regulation in case the airport doesn’t have minimums, but each airport institutes its own minimums depending on the type of instrument approach it has. Airspeeds are also a local regulation. Now there are set standards for airspeeds all around the nation, but in the local area each airport has it max’s and min’s. 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