Thursday, January 2, 2020
Regulation of Aviation at the Federal, State and Local Level
Regulation of Aviation at the Federal, State and Local Level Aviation has an impact on everybody and everything. Not only does it have an impact on a worldwide base, but it also has as big an impact on local business. Aviation in regulated in many different ways nationwide. There are many regulations that are federal, such as airspace, and must be obeyed by everyone and there are regulations that are local, such as traffic pattern altitude, and must be obeyed as if they were federal regs. As in any other field of work there are laws and regulations people must obey by. If people were allowed to do what ever they want, then we would live in a world of chaos. There are many different levels of regulation in the aviation industry.†¦show more content†¦For example like traffic pattern altitudes, these figures are different in every single airport. That shows enforcement on local regulation. Now of course that’s as simple as it gets. Local regulation is usually of the airport it involves. Like lets say every airport has m any different procedures. Let’s take Republic airport in Long Island. Now republic airport is a general aviation airport with corporate jets flying in and out of it. Now some of the regulations, which apply or are made by Republic, are noise abatement. Noise abatement is a procedure you most follow in order to comply with airport departure procedures. Every single airport in the country is different so no single one will have to same procedures. Then also instrument procedures and minimums according to the airport elevation and also obstruction clearance it differs. There are set minimums by the federal regulation in case the airport doesn’t have minimums, but each airport institutes its own minimums depending on the type of instrument approach it has. Airspeeds are also a local regulation. Now there are set standards for airspeeds all around the nation, but in the local area each airport has it max’s and min’s. 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